So here’s a theory about what’s behind the ongoing lockdown violations by the very people pushing lockdowns. It might explain why all of the officials who keep getting caught doing this seem to come from the same political slant.

Last year, there was talk about /1

The idea of “luxury beliefs”. The idea behind this theory is that as the differentiation between the working and upper-middle class blurs in terms of lifestyle and material status symbols, people will find other avenues of demarcation. /2
One of those avenues is to inflate extreme-niche issues to gigantic importance and/or to profess belief in absurdities while denigrating those who aren’t part of your in-group (and elevating oneself by implication).

For those who are trying to come up in life, /3
operating in a rational manner is probably very important. But what better way to show that you are of a superior class than to not have to worry about whether or not your professed beliefs make any sense...and you get to shit on everyone else in the process! Win/win. So, /4
what does this have to do with COVID and lockdowns? To relate to the luxury beliefs theory, the point is that it is inherently desirable to do things which those below you in status may not do. And so Gavin Newsom and London Breed dine at the French Laundry. Bill /5
DeBlasio (not his real name, BTW) dances in Time’s Square on NYE after telling everyone else to stay home, etc. The point is not the thing itself (dining, travel, etc), the point is that THEY get to do things which lower status individuals can not. /6
The desire to be part of an aristocracy runs deep, and it runs deepest in those who speak most loudly about the poor, paying your fair share, etc. COVID is a golden opportunity for this class to claim extra powers in the name of benevolence. /7
But we’re already seeing, again and again, that the justifications for the power grab are OBVIOUSLY not believed by the people preaching them, or they wouldn’t be out there eating foie grad. It only starts to make sense when you see that the POINT is to create /8
special privileges for their class which those of lower status do not share. As the lines have blurred towards the upper/middle end (someone worth $10 mil drives the same Mercedes as someone worth $200k), perhaps it’s natural for that energy to run towards pulling /9
up the ladder on the lower end, and make what was once ordinary into the exclusive domain of the powerful and connected.
If you are reading this, you are already someone whose material life is vastly better than the wealthiest Medieval king. But you don’t /10
really feel or appreciate that on a day-to-day basis, because it is just your norm. Maybe having a few servants around you would help, but your average big city law partner can easily afford a maid. You don’t feel special enough yet. But what if you could make it /11
so that trips to tropical islands & luxurious dinners were only allowed for those like you and your inner circle?What if you could be pampered at a salon when no one else could? Maybe now you’d feel special. Maybe now everyone would see your God-given superiority to the serfs /12
If this seems over the top, ask yourself why there is a class of people, composed almost entirely of government officials and those who rely on proximity to their power, who seem hell-bent on COVID world continuing even after vaccines are distributed. What /13
the hell is in it for them? The new order fits nicely for those whose paychecks never stopped (and may have risen). For those who make proclamations shaming the rest of us with life and death warnings while living as if they were above this behind the scenes. /14
These people are aristocrats. This is what they have always wanted.

The good news is that aristocracy only exists in places where everyone else accepts that it’s the natural order.

My country exists because people decided that it wasn’t. /fin
I should proofread these things for typos first

More from Legal


#BLM & Movement for Black Lives are promoting a 128 page bill that brings their radical protest demands into political reality.

The bill eliminates DoD ops, stops counter-terrorism programs, offers social services to illegal immigrants, &

Due to the exorbitant length of the bill (it's 128 pages) I have to explain the specifics of the BREATEHE act in sections. This article only includes the first section of the bill, which is pages 1-10.

You can find the full bill here:

In the first 10 pages, the BREATHE Act moves to:

1. Repeal federal funding for local law enforcement.

The first two pages alone "abolishes" the D.E.A. and removes local law enforcement's ability to access federal funding for bulletproof vests.

2. Eliminate Department of Homeland Security (@DHSgov) programs, including ICE and Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) programs.

The specific programs that they move to abolish include:


Border Enforcement Security program

Countering Violent Extremism program

Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Program

United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Denaturalization Program
Last night TPD arrested and charged two known organizers, @DailyTacoma and our own @ohdamn_jam.

So many people acted quickly, and we were able to make sure they both made bail.

You can read @ohdamn_jam's account of what happened here

If you remember, back in August we were made aware that Pierce County diverted COVID funds to monitor us. We know for sure they monitored and reported on this account and anyone associated with it, such as @DailyTacoma

Side note: They were not read their rights until munch later.

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Oh my Goodness!!!

I might have a panic attack due to excitement!!

Read this thread to the end...I just had an epiphany and my mind is blown. Actually, more than blown. More like OBLITERATED! This is the thing! This is the thing that will blow the entire thing out of the water!

Has this man been concealing his true identity?

Is this man a supposed 'dead' Seal Team Six soldier?

Witness protection to be kept safe until the right moment when all will be revealed?!

Who ELSE is alive that may have faked their death/gone into witness protection?

Were "golden tickets" inside the envelopes??

Are these "golden tickets" going to lead to their ultimate undoing?

Review crumbs on the board re: 'gold'.

#SEALTeam6 Trump re-tweeted this.

RT-PCR corona (test) scam

Symptomatic people are tested for one and only one respiratory virus. This means that other acute respiratory infections are reclassified as


It is tested exquisitely with a hypersensitive non-specific RT-PCR test / Ct >35 (>30 is nonsense, >35 is madness), without considering Ct and clinical context. This means that more acute respiratory infections are reclassified as


The Drosten RT-PCR test is fabricated in a way that each country and laboratory perform it differently at too high Ct and that the high rate of false positives increases massively due to cross-reaction with other (corona) viruses in the "flu


Even asymptomatic, previously called healthy, people are tested (en masse) in this way, although there is no epidemiologically relevant asymptomatic transmission. This means that even healthy people are declared as COVID


Deaths within 28 days after a positive RT-PCR test from whatever cause are designated as deaths WITH COVID. This means that other causes of death are reclassified as