Oh boy. A fed. judge in DC denies motion from Trump followers to enjoin VP Pence from counting votes tomorrow.

"It would be risible were its target not so grave: the undermining of a democratic election." https://t.co/GGHubkBqkn

Also, they never provided proof of service.

(This is the one where they never would have been able to provide such proof anyway at least as to their claim to have sued "the Electoral College" which is not a concrete entity that can be sued.)
Guys, it's a short order, and you HAVE to go read it. It is dripping with scorn.

"It is not a stretch to find a serious lack of good faith here."
"...difficult to believe that this suit is meant seriously."

Ends with a warning that the judge is considering issuing an order to show cause.
This is the one filed by counsel from the Thomas More Society, a special interest law firm that at one time was more known for its religious freedom litigation than, well, whatever it's been doing lately.
"Given that time is short and the legal errors underpinning this action manifold . . . "

Moving on from *that* reason why you lose, let's talk about *this* reason why you lose.
And even if you didn't lose for those reasons, you would lose because your "central contention is flat-out wrong."

(In short, the plaintiffs argued that we've been conducting federal elections wrong for at least 60 years, but they misread and misquoted the Constitution!)
And, also, what the heck is the district court supposed to do with argument that SCOTUS got Bush v. Gore and Texas v. Pennsylvania (a recent Trumpian election challenge) wrong?
This one finally draws a threat to might-maybe issue an order to show cause, which is the first step in disciplinary matters.

The order to show cause is the subject attorney's first opportunity to explain why and how things went wrong and (if they're smart) express remorse.
Most OSCs end up "discharged" which means the explanation (and remorse, don't forget the remorse!) satisfied the judge.
Occasionally, the explanation is insufficient or the moron attorney actually demonstrates defiance in the response to the OSC, which is when things get worse for the attorney.
Anyway, the attorney who filed this from the Thomas More Society has been a litigating in the federal courts for a very long time, so I'm sure he'll do the right thing here and confess to brainworms or something.

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View the resolutions and voting results here:

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