Campaigner leading court action aiming to prove Scotland does not need WM’s blessing to hold an indyref has called on the Lord Advocate Jas Wolfe to say exactly who he represents, after a Court of Session judge yesterday described a motion as a “fishing diligence”.

Keatings:the most concerning aspect of the hearing was the refusal by Wolffe’s counsel to stipulate WHO the Lord Advocate is representing. “He was convened in this action to represent the interests of Scottish Parliament, NOT the Scottish Government."
Keatings: "We have a Lord Advocate (representing Scots parliament) being represented by ScotGov Legal Directorate (representing ScotGov), where Lord Advocate is supposed to be representing Scots Parliament but is advancing arguments on behalf of ScotGov, who have withdrawn!"
Keatings: “ScotGov seem to have dusted themselves in Lord Advocate coconut, & are trying to pass themselves off as a Scottish parliamentary snowball," antithetical to principle of separation of powers, as Lord Advocate spent more time wearing his “SG hat” than his parliament one
Keatings: although Wolffe is in Scottish Cabinet, his post is NOT supposed to be political: “I need say no more than my legal counsel Aidan O’Neill QC said in the hearing ... that the Lord Advocate seems to be a ScotGov mouthpiece.."
Keatings: “My ultimate concern in the Lord Advocate continually dodging the question on who he is representing, is that he is opening up ScotGov to accusations of POLITICAL INTERFERENCE in a legal case to which they are no longer a party litigant- by their own choice.”
ScotGov spokesperson: “The pursuer in this case has chosen to bring an action naming ScotGov, the Lord Advocate, & Advocate General for Scotland as defenders. ScotGov is not defending the action. "
SG “The procedure raises important legal & constitutional issues of a technical & procedural nature, unconnected to issue of independence. These cannot be ignored, & are reason Lord Advocate, as SG’s senior law officer, has maintained defences dealing with those issues alone."
SG: “The Lord Advocate does NOT represent Scottish Parliament, but is ScotGov’s law officer & member of ScotGov, and also has duties from his office in upholding the proper operation of the law, courts and constitution.”

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