[Thread] Inspired by @sarahchurchwell to share my warnings from the past, not in an "I told you so" manner, but as a justification of the really important work that A LOT of historians have been doing in these dark times.

A journey down (bad) memory lane. . .

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1/ On Jan 2 we introduced Proud Boy Billy Knutson to the world. Billy said he was going to DC to "literally go Antifa hunting."

Well, Proud Boy Billy Knutson stormed the U.S. capitol with his fellow terrorists and participated in a failed coup:

2/ Terrorist Proud Boy Billy Knutson placing himself at the scene of the failed coup in DC to overthrow democracy:

3/ From terrorist Proud Boy Billy Knutson's Parler in his own words:

PS: We see Texas Charter Plane 5 Jenna Ryan made the big time at the failed U.S. coup in DC

4/ FAIR USE claim: shows context in tweets

Terrorist Proud Boy Billy Knutson's Parler video where you can hear him screaming, "Stand Back and Stand By Motherf*ckers!" while standing on the US capitol steps. Speaker says they'll be back on Inauguration Day.

5/ Terrorist Proud Boy Billy Knutson already lost his Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, & Twitter before heading to DC

However @Spotify & @YouTube continue to platform Billy Knutson, aka Playboy The Beast, a terrorist that participated in the U.S. failed
More severe police injuries and deaths on that one day of rampaging Trumpers than in five years of Anti-Police protests.

You can tell a lot about the stance of a angry crowd by whether they come with shields or pitchforks.

If people protesting police brutality for years had wanted to use their large numbers to attack, maim and kill police, they damn well could have.

But they came to resist police.

Which is completely different.

Why did the police suffer more at the hands of those who claimed to support them and waved their flags than at the hands of those who think they should be defunded or abolished?

Because one group is literally arguing for human dignity and the other glorifies violence.

The people who uncritically support police brutality are those who believe that instrumental violence should be a standard tool in response to those standing opposed to you.

Once you accept that... WHO is standing opposed to you doesn't matter much.

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2) UCAS School of mathematical sciences Professor

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4) UCAS School of astronomy and space sciences
5) UCAS School of engineering

6) Geotechnical Engineering Teaching and Research Office
7) Multi-scale Mechanics Teaching and Research Section
😎 Microgravity Science Teaching and Research

9) High temperature gas dynamics teaching and research section
10) Department of Biomechanics and Medical Engineering
11) Ocean Engineering Teaching and Research

12) Department of Dynamics and Advanced Manufacturing
13) Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering Teaching and Research Office
14) Power Machinery and Engineering Teaching and Research
And here they are...


Remember, this money is just fun. If you launched a product (or even attempted a launch) - you did something worth MUCH more than $1,000.


The winners 👇


Lattes For Change - Skip a latte and save a life.


@frantzfries built a platform where you can see how skipping your morning latte could do for the world.

A great product for a great cause.

Congrats Chris on winning $250!


Instaland - Create amazing landing pages for your followers.


A team project! @bpmct and @BaileyPumfleet built a tool for social media influencers to create simple "swipe up" landing pages for followers.

Really impressive for 24 hours. Congrats!


SayHenlo - Chat without distractions


Built by @DaltonEdwards, it's a platform for combatting conversation overload. This product was also coded exclusively from an iPad 😲

Dalton is a beast. I'm so excited he placed in the top 10.


CoderStory - Learn to code from developers across the globe!


Built by @jesswallaceuk, the project is focused on highlighting the experience of developers and people learning to code.

I wish this existed when I learned to code! Congrats on $250!!