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1/ On Jan 2 we introduced Proud Boy Billy Knutson to the world. Billy said he was going to DC to "literally go Antifa hunting."

Well, Proud Boy Billy Knutson stormed the U.S. capitol with his fellow terrorists and participated in a failed coup:

2/ Terrorist Proud Boy Billy Knutson placing himself at the scene of the failed coup in DC to overthrow democracy:

3/ From terrorist Proud Boy Billy Knutson's Parler in his own words:

PS: We see Texas Charter Plane 5 Jenna Ryan made the big time at the failed U.S. coup in DC

4/ FAIR USE claim: shows context in tweets

Terrorist Proud Boy Billy Knutson's Parler video where you can hear him screaming, "Stand Back and Stand By Motherf*ckers!" while standing on the US capitol steps. Speaker says they'll be back on Inauguration Day.

5/ Terrorist Proud Boy Billy Knutson already lost his Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, & Twitter before heading to DC

However @Spotify & @YouTube continue to platform Billy Knutson, aka Playboy The Beast, a terrorist that participated in the U.S. failed
1/ Meet Mark E Smith, 50, of Ravenna, OH. Mark was part of the riot that did the insurrection at the U.S. capitol 1/6 in Washington DC. Thanks to a couple tips we were able to place Mark with several Ohio Proud Boys at the U.S. capitol.

Welcome to hell, Mark!

2/ Mark E Smith's aliases: Joel, Big Moe, Moeloco Venice, & the lesser known "Moskaroni the Morni" which we'll get to in a hot minute.

Anyway, Mark hung out with the Ohio Proud Boys 1/6 in Washington DC. Circled is Joe Sitosky who we exposed here:

3/ FAIR USE to show context.

This short video clip shows Joe Sitosky, Mark Smith, and the Ohio Proud Boys all marching together in Washington, DC on 1/6.

Listen to Mark yell, "CRIPS for Trump!" Yes, *those* Crips.

4/ Mark Smith was (is?) a member of the Crips, a gang based in the coastal regions of Southern California, hence the aliases Moeloco Venice and Big Moe.

Mark mentions being a teenager in Los Angeles in the 1980s. Venice is a neighborhood in Los Angeles.

5/ Mark Smith of Ravenna, OH volunteers in his community...we bring this up because in the next tweets we'll show that Mark is racist & fascist. Mark's community needs to be warned about his beliefs.