A super dieend quick de-reading of Naomi Klein's (?) book entitled Lo Nogo in n episodes.*
So the general mode in "consumer"-capitalism is what we literally see is wares and their prize only. Images (situationists) or brands (Klein) took over. What one

can see to - hey, phenomenology! - the divisions and disassociations: people separated from their products. Branding comes in at this point. Only Klein does depict but does not explain. Explanation tries to find laws or logics in a way abstractions can be used to
discuss their possible use for a modification of society. There is nothing new in the fact of a ruling classes ruling. The abstract incorp therefore rules and so does the state which can (not _must_) be the rulers "instrument". Lo nogo wants a social a good state. State and
nation are results within the "project" of competing capitals. Klein argues contra the "McDonaldization of society" and the market. In her fairy tale companies are the kings here and market is the land. The new new thesis the market would be the horses and the kings would be
the riders claims a sort of trade capitalism that is not existing except in second order not predominantly. No logo lo nogo has no idea or better no concept of the sources of the processes in this trading world. As money buys politics Klein
makes up a phantasmagoria in which politics is corrupted but _was_ historically good and subjunctively _was_ a good thing if only there was no buying and selling - the world. It is an oligarchy world which lo nogo draws.
A transnational capitalism in concreto. Today so called trade wars clarify that (not only how) national capitals fights each other and needs the competitors too. The logo is only the sign of a sign as for Klein it is the sign for money. She re-fetishizes (logos rule = companies
rule) the fetish (money talks) in order to... so what exactly? To write some apologetic text about the deconstructions of identities of these sings of sings. Close to the form of the ware lo nogo is unable to explain how the commodity "works". It does not work at all. It is
only a "message" (Klein) but with a real outcome be it a t-shirt or bread ir rice or a car. But Klein mixes up brand company and commodity (ware). Very similar to the Frankfurt School in a way. The ware does NOT carry the brand. The ware "carries" value (but is no medium!).
to be continued
@threadreaderapp unroll

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Absolutely fascinating thread as @jsralton & others track down the identity of key players in the Capitol Hill breach.

Including highly decorated ex-members of the military.

The double wrist ties, tasers, discarded weapons all show an intention to go much further than they got

Seems so ordinary, becoming Lieutenant Commander Brock in the US Airforce ...yet the conversion from the ordinary into the extremist will make a fascinating study for psychologists @RichardBentall

His claim that he picked up the wrist ties “someone” had dropped so he could hand them into police is laughable.

And when you think about it rather cowardly. Can’t even take responsibility for what he has done.

Who else were involved in the planning? Which mates of his?

The attention to detail in making the links is impressive.

There’s going to be a lot more doors knocked in in the next few weeks.

How high and how deep into the Trump establishment does it go.?

H/T @k8tshires for this summary from CNN

If the people involved in this insurrection succeeded where would the establishment face of the movement be?

I suspect not making the denouncements they are now that it
More severe police injuries and deaths on that one day of rampaging Trumpers than in five years of Anti-Police protests.

You can tell a lot about the stance of a angry crowd by whether they come with shields or pitchforks.

If people protesting police brutality for years had wanted to use their large numbers to attack, maim and kill police, they damn well could have.

But they came to resist police.

Which is completely different.

Why did the police suffer more at the hands of those who claimed to support them and waved their flags than at the hands of those who think they should be defunded or abolished?

Because one group is literally arguing for human dignity and the other glorifies violence.

The people who uncritically support police brutality are those who believe that instrumental violence should be a standard tool in response to those standing opposed to you.

Once you accept that... WHO is standing opposed to you doesn't matter much.

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