Let's remember that L. Lin Wood - according to a lawsuit filed by three attorneys who worked with/for him - allegedly called them to his house at 1 a.m. in the midst of a personal crisis, they sat with him to make sure he was okay, and tthe next day he fired them all via email.

Let's also recall that, shortly thereafter, according to the same Complaint, it is alleged he held a 3.5 hour phone call wherein he - again according to the Complaint - verbally berated these attorneys nonstop.
Then proceeded, the attorneys who worked with him allege, to send multiple abusive email messages to them with unhinged ramblings about Almighty God guiding him.
Note: Literally ANY email that includes the words "you are the ones who are crazy, not me" is immediately suspect.
Sidenote: Voicemails that insist an action seems crazy but really isn't and makes completely sense are, in my general experience with domestic abuse cases, red flags.
Allegedly, this continued for a while, with multiple emails and phone calls.

The Complaint alleges that at one point he actually held a mini-sidebar WITH THE LORD ALMIGHTY on the phone.
Also, the alleged phone call to ONE LAWYER'S WIFE was DEFINITELY the act of a COMPLETELY STABLE HUMAN BEING with a well honed legal mind and in full possession of their emotions, reason, and common sense. If it was made. Remember, Complaints allege facts, they don't prove them.
It is good to know that, as far back as Spring 2020, believed this whole "SCOTUS SEX SCANDAL" thing. It even provides motivation in the Complaint, alleging Wood believed that God had anointed him to be Chief Justice.
The summary lays out the claims:

He did all this, and then refused to pay us.
You can give the full Complaint a read. I'm linking it.

Now for my caveats: Complaints allege facts and do not prove them. Wood has denied all allegations in this matter. To the best of my knowledge, there is no resolution presently.

However, if these allegations were proven to be true, it would be fair to assume that Mr. Wood is suffering through some sort of episode or illness - hence why I'm not going to be using words that are sitting on the tip of my tongue.
As Mr. Wood has thrust himself onto the public stage to espouse a bloodless coup, disparage a sitting Supreme Court Justice, and ramble about legal theories with no precedential support to rile up unsavory elements of our nation, I feel these allegations deserve some discussion.
If you consulted with me, and I began screaming that God Almighty directed my actions while rambling about Lizard People, you would likely not put much faith in my analytical ability vis a vis the practice of law.

Folks should apply that same standard to legal talking heads.
Also, attorneys, if you are struggling with a mental health or addiction issue, there certainly is confidential help out there from your peers.

Please seek it.


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2/ Terrorist Proud Boy Billy Knutson placing himself at the scene of the failed coup in DC to overthrow democracy:

3/ From terrorist Proud Boy Billy Knutson's Parler in his own words:

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4/ FAIR USE claim: shows context in tweets

Terrorist Proud Boy Billy Knutson's Parler video where you can hear him screaming, "Stand Back and Stand By Motherf*ckers!" while standing on the US capitol steps. Speaker says they'll be back on Inauguration Day.

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