I spoke with @aliceeire at the launch of this report in 2017 by the Comhlámh Trade Justice group. There are real and serious social implications of the CETA agreement for Ireland, Europe, Canada, and the global South

The text of the CETA (EU-Canada “mega-regional” trade & investment) deal was agreed between the EU and Canada in 2016, but needs to be ratified by every EU member state to come fully into force. Only around half have done so far, partly because of mass activism across Europe
Things have been relatively quiet on the Irish front since 2017. But the Irish government has now put it the onto the parliamentary agenda for this Tuesday – presumably to try guillotine through a ratification vote with minimum time & space for opposition https://t.co/iZdlraAsTC
"New generation" deals like CETA go way beyond basic trade flows: everything from trade in goods & services to finance & intellectual property, (de)regulation in all sectors of the economy, plus substantial rights & protections for investors -the C in CETA is for 'comprehensive'
The implications and risks are huge for worker's rights, environmental protection, public health, food standards, for small farmers, public services - for democracy https://t.co/7DthdtkqKa
“Free” trade is not fair trade, and is also not really free – it brings hugely disproportionate structural advantages to capital and big corporations with larger economies of scale - ‘capitalism on steroids’ https://t.co/Y9oCKcO6Qy
On investment protection, the research done shows that the type of investor vs. state legal mechanism which CETA follows has been overwhelmingly most beneficial to (and actively exploited by) the biggest multi-billion dollar companies
In the face of sustained activism & mass mobilisation, the original text of the CETA agreement was tweaked to repackage the 'Investor-State Dispute Mechanism' slightly as an 'Investor Court System', but the fundamental premise and problems remain the same https://t.co/eBAVBF8Dhh
This was tinkering around the edges which specialists in international economic law like Gus Van Harten found did "very little to alleviate key concerns arising from the CETA's proposed special rights and privileges for foreign investors" https://t.co/7BGh9ZzOF0
Green Party reps were there at that @Comhlamh event in 2017, as they were at most of the events and demonstrations through the height of the activism on TTIP and CETA between 2014-2017.
Along with the socialist left and Sinn Féin, the Green Party maintained a position of clear opposition to CETA. They ran a "12 Reasons We Oppose CETA" campaign. They are now, all too predictably, part of the government proposing to push it through.
Will try and collect some other info & threads below on all this https://t.co/0z6rvnjK9m
"utterly disastrous & stupid" https://t.co/c0rLzgx8nu
opposition from scientists, trade unionists and activists, and even lawyers.. https://t.co/M8IaMbpMlf
thread ending with info on CETA's "zombie clause" https://t.co/mtqrt7lnbO
another thread with some of the Green Party's greatest hits for the record https://t.co/1vl3Bphnhf
"a terrible deal for workers and environment" https://t.co/CiJTeM454I
"CETA does not protect the environmental standards we desperately need"; "We're creating a system that gives excess power to corporations"; "We are calling for #StopCETA"
campaign organised by @UpliftIRL: https://t.co/2HvJr60e5m
I also spoke at number of events on TTIP & CETA over the years organised by @garethmurphyIE & @davegibney - their unions @fsuireland & @MandateTU have been doing vital work on this from the outset https://t.co/xXSDFfSXDM
Likewise @UniteunionROI @ConnectUnion @ifut @TUnionLeftForum & other unions have had clear analysis of detrimental impact on workers' rights and public services - @irishcongress overview here of 'why unions oppose TTIP & CETA: https://t.co/nJcVK9G2BX
I also worked on a report with the @IrishCancerSoc which found that deals like TTIP (EU-US deal as it was proposed then) and CETA undermine the state's capacity to prioritise public health, and will result in the lowering of regulatory standards https://t.co/bGKygk0Zs6

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Хајде да направимо мали осврт на случај Мика Алексић .

Алексић је жртва енглеске освете преко Оливере Иванчић .
Мика је одбио да снима филм о блаћењу Срба и мењању историје Срба , иза целокупног пројекта стоји дипломатски кор Британаца у Београду и Оливера Иванчић

Оливера Илинчић је иначе мајка једне од његових ученица .
Која је претила да ће се осветити .

Мика се налази у притвору због наводних оптужби глумице Милене Радуловић да ју је наводно силовао човек од 70 година , са три бајпаса и извађеном простатом пре пет година

Иста персона је и обезбедила финансије за филм преко Беча а филм је требао да се бави животом Десанке Максимовић .
А сетите се и ко је иницирао да се Десанка Максимовић избаци из уџбеника и школства у Србији .

И тако уместо романсиране верзије Десанке Максимовић утицај Британаца

У Србији стави на пиједестал и да се Британци у Србији позитивно афирмишу како би се на тај начин усмерила будућност али и мењао ток историје .
Зато Мика са гнушањем и поносно одбија да снима такав филм тада и почиње хајка и претње која потиче из британских дипломатских кругова

Најгоре од свега што је то Мика Алексић изговорио у присуству високих дипломатских представника , а одговор је био да се све неће на томе завршити и да ће га то скупо коштати .
Нашта им је Мика рекао да је он свој живот проживео и да могу да му раде шта хоће и силно их извређао