Journalism, for all its bells and whistles, shiny business models, is fundamentally built on honour. 
None of the big offices, fancy equipment will matter, if the humans are not humane.

That it was only in December you saw a call made since August, only because I amplified its contents, shows you exactly the problem, that a call has to exist, since August.
No one has to have to leave the system, and unwittingly seek a voice online, if the humans within the system had honour. 
Humans make the system. 
Where a system somehow leaves a person with no choice but to cry out online, only the humans indicted can make it right.
If humans who profess to be humane did just that, and insisted for more choices for each other, then there would have been no August. 
That I chose to point this out how and when I did, after several private efforts, is my prerogative, as Bobby Brown sang it.
That you choose to interpret it however assuages your bias and demigods, is your prerogative. What can never change, is that August came before December, and August brought December.
That you all somehow let August go unnoticed for six months, and also decided to choose a destructive line of interrogation and trolling against the author of August, is on YOU.    
You all can never escape the fact that August came well before December.
Ignoring that, to conjure breathtakingly daft motives that help you cope with your failure and hypocrisy is a disservice to the reality that someone’s August came before your cacophony of a December. FACTS.
There are many of you here, expressing concern suddenly – when you KNEW about August, before December.
What did you all do, then?
What will you all do, NOW?
Keep elevating mediocrity and amplifying discrimination based on ageist, gendered and even racial bias within our systems?
You all say this country and this profession is bad, while somehow rationalising or outrightly forgetting your clear contributions to the decline. 
Just as bad as choosing to keep quiet, is choosing to demonise anyone who speaks up. Sadly for you, I'm descended of sterner stuff.
You cannot escape what caused August, in your dishonourable attempt to rationalise what necessitated December. 
I am not friends with, and do not have to be friends with anyone, to speak out, against faulty systems in my own profession.
I speak out, clearly, because that is the only obligation I can give – honour. 
August came before December. August will always come before December. No matter how many tweets you spin to make yourselves feel better.
You all, within systems, blind worshippers in echo chambers, ignorers of people who are trying to just be heard…fix yourselves up this December. So no one else has to have an August. The systems you refuse to change are the same ones that will consume you.  
My loyalty remains to this country and this profession. Nothing I have said or will continue to say, will ever change. If anything, the level of cronyism for evil has shown me I will need a megaphone. 
You can count on it that Nigeria’s journalism will not go to the dogs. We pin!

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