[THREAD] Why the Qadiyani (or Ahmadiya’a) community aren’t Muslims and Mirza Ghulam is an impostor ?

Mirza Ghulam was born in 1835 in India, he’s the founder of the movement claiming Islam. This movement is called "Ahmadiyya" or "Qadianiyya".
Coming from a Sunni and Sufi family, he would have been immersed very early in learning Islam and would have learned Arabic around the age of 10.
We will now see more about him and his sect :

In 1889, Mîrzâ Ghulam said that he had received a "revelation" from Allah designating him as the Mahdi and mujaddid.
First problem, the Mahdi must descend from the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and bear his name. What you need to know is that "Ahmad" is just a late addition to give credibility to his pseudo-prophecy.
According to him, it would be the reappearance of the prophets Muhammad and 'Issa may peace and blessing be upon them and... even as a reappearance of Krishna (Hindu religion) 😂
As his cult grows, I will show you some of his words (you may be shocked) 👇🏼
According to him, all those who do not believe on him and in his message as disbelievers. So according to Ahmadis, you and me are not Muslims.
« The one who believes so for him the door of Allah’s bless is closed »
He did a takfir against every non qadiyani ofc
“Hazrat Fatima (Radhi Allah Anhu), in a visionary state, placed my head on her thigh and showed me that i am from it”
May Allah punish him, he made fun of one of the best women in Heaven, Fatima bint Muhammad! May Allah be pleased with him. The daughter of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم!
Mirza claims to be a prophet, but ironically he’a also agree that everyone who claims to be a prophet is not a Muslim. A little crazy the Mirza.
He rejects the ahadith who’re against his passions and literally says that he "throws" them.
He declares the marriage between Muslims and Ahmadis haram. Because according to him, we are dirty pigs and that our women are wh**es.
He also accuses 'Issa عليه سلم of being the cause of alcohol abuse in Europe. He also says that 'Issa عليه سلم is a liar, obscene and had prostitute grandmothers. May Allah punish Mîrza.
He also said 'Issa عليه سلم was taught Torah by a Jewish teacher. While the Qu'ran says the opposite.
After years of denial and a plethora of excuses, the Ahmadiyya community finally are agree about the authenticity of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani's deathbed conversation with his father in law. So Mîrzâ died of diarrhea (shame)
As for the slogan of Ahmadiyya "Love for all, hate for none", their founder Mirza Ghulam Qadiani himself never believed in this slogan. This slogan was made after his death, by his successor.
Mirza doesn’t spare shia too.
Look what he said lol
According to Mirza Ghulam, he’s superior even to Yusuf Aleyhi wa Salam
Christians and atheists can enter to Jannah according to him...

"And whoever desires a religion other than Islam, he will not be accepted, and he will be among the losers in the Hereafter.  "Surah Al 'Imran 85.
Every prophet are buried in the same place where he died.

Mirza Ghulam died in Lahore (Pakistan), and is buried in Qadian (India).


📚 Tirmidhi 1018.

May Allah guid every Qadiyani to Islam and guid also us on the right way, ameen.

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