Hindu Rashtra Akhand Bharat should be achieved in three steps : thread 👇

1. Local cleansing
2. Alliances
3. War

Local cleansing

In this stage, we act in ways that kick out anti Hindutva gang away from our lands.

We buy their land, but never sell them ours.

We sell them goods and services but never buy theirs.

We don't seek marriages from their families and if they seek marriages with ours, we get their members converted beforehand and make sure that the new bloodline is ours, and not theirs.
We take all help we can from them but never help them in return.

We keep their nonsense away from our homes, work places, temples etc

We make the surrounding hostile to them so they end up leaving. We take over the land and make sure it stays Hindutva.
We keep pushing them further and further away from our lands until they've nowhere left to go within the lands we control.

If they end up attacking us even lightly, we take that excuse to respond in kind, but in more severity, to clear out our lands of all anti Hindutva nonsense
2. Alliances

The cleansing said about should happen not only in India, but also in all the countries where it possibly can be done. For now, don't worry about where it's impossible.

At some point, one by one, the countries are going to be free of anti Hindutva.
Also, later on, the rulers are going to be elected from the same kinda aggressive Hindutva gang.

These rulers will come together to form the Hindutva alliance against the anti Hindutva lands surrounding the Hindutva lands.
3. War

Then they'll launch electromagnetic pulses to disrupt the security systems in the anti Hindutva lands, and through the darkness, will attack and conquer them.

Once conquered, these lands will be assimilated ie they'll be turned into Hindutva lands.
For this, a variety of methods will be used including but not limited to.

1. Mass converting people to pro Hindutva religions
2. Expelling those who refuse to convert
3. Fighting those who fight the "Hindutvization" until there's no more resistance.
Once done, these newly assimilated families will be absorbed into native born Hindutva families by wedding off the women of these new Hindutva families with the men of the old Hindutva ones.

After that, governments similar to those who invaded, will be elected to rule the land.
Then, these new governments will add the lands to the Hindutva alliance mentioned earlier.

This process will continue until the entire earth is 100% Hindutva.

"The only limits of Hindutva are the limits of the earth!"
~ Veer Savarkar

Jai Hindutva ✊✊
This agenda needs to be taught to our young ones as part of faith itself, as soon as they get old enough to keep a secret. Until then, their faith in their Hindutva parents or other Hindutva guardians should be raised. Then it's easy to convince them when it's time.

#Hindutva ✊
@threadreaderapp unroll

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