What can we learn from India's farmer protests?

@PLAAS webinar starting now. Click below to watch (now or later) and follow #FarmersProtests

Most Indian farmers have less than 2 hectares! And depend on state-guaranteed prices for wheat & rice. This has been the foundation for smallholder agriculture for decades. It's this system which is under threat from new agricultural laws.

Siddharth Joshi, PhD #FarmersProtests
Restrictions on buying farmland by non-farmers and companies in Karnataka have been removed. These were meant to protect farming communities from dispossession by corporate interests. The squeeze on farmers means a crisis for rural people, says Joshi

The 3 Indian farm laws that are being disputed are about removing regulation of farm product markets; removal of guaranteed farm prices; promotion of contract farming which would make farmers 'price-takers' from agribusiness.

Dr. Vikram Singh (Joint Secretary, All India Agricultural Workers Union) says there are almost 300,000 protesters are on the streets, have been on the road for the past two and a half months. This is unprecedented, a mass movement that extends beyond a peasant movement.
Farm laws need to be seen in context: a wider trend of merging of state and corporate power, backed by dictatorial decree. This is Mussolini's definition of fascism, a corporatism fusing state with corporate interests.

- Shirin from Peace Vigil #FarmersProtests
Indian farmers are fighting against the new laws that would forbid them from going to court to contest the behaviour of agribusinesses. The state is preventing people from disputing corporate power, and centralising power among state bureaucrats, says Shirin #FarmersProtests .
Why is the Indian state attacking its own farmers in this way? Shirin says the answer is clear: corporates are running the state.

#FarmersProtests webinar @PLAASuwc
India's #FarmersProtests should alert everyone, everywhere, to the ways states are using the #COVID19 pandemic to push through measures to open up economies to corporate control. This is an international issue, not an Indian issue

- Shirin
The Indian farm laws are a long-term outcome of economic liberalisation in the 1990s and the growth of an ultra-rich elite with powerful lobbying power taking control of the state via the ruling BJP.

The government has dug trenches around Delhi to prevent movement of people and goods into the city, sowing the seeds of division among urban consumers and protesting farmers. But will this work? There is also solidarity from urban middle-class with the #FarmersProtests
'Hindutva' ideology of narrow chauvinism is strongly embedded in neoliberal reforms in favour of corporate power. There is huge funding to foment Hindu nationalism, with 80% of election funding going to ruling BJP, says Dr Joshi.

The state's crackdown on Indian #FarmersProtests has been justified as depicting them as not 'real farmers' but disgruntled middlemen. But with up to a million people on the first mass march, and up to 300,000 people protesting for months, this doesn't hold up, says Dr Singh
Over 250,000 tractors came to Delhi on 26 January. This is a mass and unprecedented mobilisation, says Shirin

India's opening up of agriculture to big business is already driving up food prices, which is one factor bringing urban consumers into alliance with #FarmersProtests
Many among India's (huge) urban middle-class have farming roots, or rural family connections, and identify with the struggles of farmers against the new farm laws. This is part of the power of the #FarmersProtests
Land reforms have been eased, to allow big companies to speculate on farmland, leading to quadrupling of land prices in Karnataka, for instance, says Dr Joshi

Identity politics is the primary weapon of the fascist movement which aims to divide populations by religion, caste, race, says Shirin. The counter-movement against #Fascism and corporate capture of states has to forge solidarity transcending identity divisions.

That's a wrap from this PLAAS webinar and 'aluta continua and bye-bye' from chair @boamonjane Boaventura Monjane, postdoc at PLAAS.
Unroll @threadreaderapp

More from India

Ambedker's 22 vows Vs BUDDHISM

/Read it Full /

Ambedker-1: I shall have no faith in Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh nor shall I worship them

BUDDHISM: I believe in them as a subordinate to buddha, we have different philoshphical model regarding them,we have many eg ,My many sect...

.Worship them , respect them ; some sects consider them to be emanation of Boddhisatva Avlokiteshwara,In tantra they are worshipped

A2:  I shall have no faith in Rama and Krishna who are believed to be incarnation of God nor shall I worship them

B: Buddha says Rama was his.

.. previous life ,and Krishna was one of previous life of Sariputta ,My many sects worship them as previous life of Buddha, Krishna is not very much known but his sculpture is seen in Buddhist temples,you can pay respect to them atleast

A3: shall have no faith in ‘Gauri’, Ganapati and other gods and goddesses of Hindus nor shall I worship them

B: Hindu goddess gauri and Ganesha is widely accepted by us we have our own mantra for them ,they seek dharini from buddha ,Our some sects worship them

A4: I do not believe in the incarnation of God
B: Ok! This is acceptable,but we do have previous life/births of Buddha and rebirth ,which you Rejected

A5: I do not and shall not believe that Lord Buddha was the incarnation of Vishnu I believe this to be sheer madness and false
"Busy Life Daily Puja & Neivedyas"

People would always have several doubts on what to offer bhagwan in their daily puja. For some it will be a million dollar question of how to do an express puja yet a satisfying one.

Upachara - "उपचार"

Refers to the offerings and services made to Bhagwan as part of worship. In shastras there are a count of upachara pujas we do.

पांच उपचार पूजा - 5 Upacharas
षोडशोपचार पूजा - 16 "
चतुःषष्ट्युपचार पूजा - 64 "

Out of these panch is used for daily puja.

Some use 16 upachras who are well versed with the way of doing it Effortlessly and have abhishekam at home daily. 64 is exclusively for festivals and special vrat. One can choose to do 5 upacharas daily and finish your puja peacefully.

How to start your Puja ?

1. Shudhikaran & Aachaman
2. Bhootashudhi & Pranayam
3. Sankalp
4. Choice of Upachara Puja
5. Aarti
6. Pradakshina
7. Mantra Pushpam
8. Bhoomi Sashtanga/Panchanga Namaskaram

Major pujas steps one should ideally follow

Shudhikaran & Aachaman

After bath and dressing with (washed clothes only) should arrange their requirements for puja.
Take water separately for Aachaman and Puja. Water shouldn't be used from same paatra ideally. Perform Aachaman as per your practice & for beginners - YouTube

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