How to have better, more creative ideas

A thread of wisdom from:
& more


First, recognize that there are no new ideas.

Innovation is just rearranging existing concepts in a revolutionary way.

To get better at that, learn to combine your unique interests.

I wrote about this here:
@david_perell offers a five step process for generating inspiration:

1. Gather raw material.

2. Work over them in your mind.

3. Let your subconscious mind process them.

4. Have a “Eureka" moment.

5. Shape and develop your idea — make it useful.
@anthilemoon suggests increasing your creativity by being prolific

Generate as many ideas as you can, as often as you can

Have a daily routine that primes your mind for creativity
@stephsmithio looks for a specific combination of traits in order to determine if an idea is worth pursuing

The criteria are:
- interesting
- doesn't exist in that exact form
- something she can uniquely contribute to
@schooloflife warns us not to neglect the importance of doing nothing, of staring out the window for a while

Idle time gives your mind space to make connections
The physicist Freeman Dyson echoes this advice:

"I am fooling around not doing anything, which probably means that this is a creative period, although of course you don’t know until afterward.

I think that it is very important to be idle."
Follow your curiosity.

As psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi writes in his book Creativity:

"The first step toward a more creative life is the cultivation of curiosity and interest, that is, the allocation of attention to things for their own sake."
The "cultivation of curiosity" means pursuing anything that intrigues you.

Follow an idea and see where it leads

It may be a dead end, or it may be life changing.
@joulee captures this experimental approach to creativity in two diagrams

The first is how we imagine the process of making something new

The second is what it's actually like
Lastly, remember Steve's jobs warning that ideas are fragile

Treat them with care:
If you liked this thread, check out the one I did on great writing:

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