Google Sheets isn't Excel...

But it's more powerful than you think.

8 things Google Sheets can do, you'll wish you knew yesterday. 📊

Translate Text:

Need to convert data from one language to another?


This will translate the words in cell "A2" from English to Spanish.

Replace "en" with "auto" and Sheets will identify the source language automatically.

Assuming you're signed in to your Google account, head on up to your browser's address bar:

From there type: ""

Boom! A new Google sheet is created for you on the fly from anywhere on the web.

(Works for docs too)

Pretty cool!

Easily visualize data trends by adding sparklines to your sheet.

To add a basic "mini-graph" inside a cell, it's as simple as inputting:

=SPARKLINE (A1:F1) – (Where A1:F1 represents your range of data.)

For more detailed options, check this out:👇🏻

Need to do some number crunching?

Let Google's AI do the work for you.

•Highlight the range of data.

•Move your cursor to the starburst shaped icon in the bottom right corner.

•Click "Explore" – Complex charts, analytics, & detailed info. generated automatically.
Heat Maps:

With conditional formatting, you can turn your data into a heat map to easily identify trends & patterns.

•Select the data range in the Google Sheet
•Format->Conditional Formatting
•Click "Color Scale"
•Select colors to represent:
––Min, Mid, & Max

Monitor stock prices, spot trends, & quickly review historical data using =GOOGLEFINANCE.

Want to see the last 60 days of closing prices for a specific ticker symbol?

Paste the formula below & voila!

Auto-email when commenting:

One of my favorite things about Google Sheets is the ease of collaboration within docs.

Need to assign a task to a co-worker?

Want to make sure they actually see it?

Automatically send an email to coworkers using comments within cells.
Make your charts stand out:

First, let's make a chart...

Highlit cells then click:

"Insert -> Chart -> Chart Type -> Pie"

Now, double-click one section of the chart and select the "distance from center" option.

Increase the % to make that section stand out from the rest!
Thanks for reading!

If you're a bit of a nerd & love spreadsheets like me, why not share?

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•You can find my previous work here:

More from Blake Burge 💡

There are plenty of ways to waste time online.

You already know those.

Instead, here are 7 sites that will make you more productive––not less: 🖥

A free and open-source graph drawing software developed in HTML5 and JavaScript.

Its interface can be used to create diagrams such as flowcharts, wireframes, UML diagrams, and organizational charts.

No login to create and no account required.

A free online photo editor you can use directly in your browser.

No ads, no account to create, no cookies to accept.

Just drag, drop, edit, and save.

Looking for a way to make your presentations more engaging?

Build interactive polls, quizzes, and more allowing your audience to engage in real-time.

Using their smartphone, attendees can answer questions and the results are visualized as they happen.

Crowdsourced results for software you already know, but want to replace.

Featuring ratings and comments from users about their experience to help you choose the best option for you.

Find alternatives for things like MS Word, Adobe Photoshop, and more.

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I like this heuristic, and have a few which are similar in intent to it:

Hiring efficiency:

How long does it take, measured from initial expression of interest through offer of employment signed, for a typical candidate cold inbounding to the company?

What is the *theoretical minimum* for *any* candidate?

How long does it take, as a developer newly hired at the company:

* To get a fully credentialed machine issued to you
* To get a fully functional development environment on that machine which could push code to production immediately
* To solo ship one material quanta of work

How long does it take, from first idea floated to "It's on the Internet", to create a piece of marketing collateral.

(For bonus points: break down by ambitiousness / form factor.)

How many people have to say yes to do something which is clearly worth doing which costs $5,000 / $15,000 / $250,000 and has never been done before.