As discussed earlier, I am writing a #Thread on how Swαmy entered Harvard University. As per claims, Swαmy got full scholarship frm Harvard. I took this SS from official VHS website which says Swαmy got full scholarship frm 'Rockefeller Foundation' & not frm Harvard University 🤷🏻‍♂️

Its important for us to understand wht is Rockefeller Foundation. John Rockefeller was businessmen from US who started funding various Churches & Universities to turn things in his favour, it was his way to manipulate & dictate his terms in governance & setup parallel governance
John Rockefeller was staunch Christian who gave funding to Missionaries to setup schools & Universities in Asia. His particular interest was in China, Vietnam, Philippines & also started funding big US schools like Yale, Harvard, etc. This allowed him to handpick his chosen ones
Dean Rusk was the President of Rockefeller Foundation in 1960's and he was the one who approved the full scholarship to Swαmy. Now its important to understand who was Dean Rusk and wat interest he had in approving those scholarships to students cmng frm Asia...?
Dean Rusk was Secretary of United States from 1961 to 1969 & during the same time he was also President of Rockefeller Foundation.
He was strategic expert in geo politics, particularly in Asia, frm his 2nd World War exp. He was main man behind all US conflicts in 1960's.
Dean Rusk's main task was to gain the control of Asia, especially China which was then under Communist rule of Mao & an ally of Russia. Later the Vietnam war & he also divided Korea.

Swαmy did PhD in Economic growth & Income Distribution in Developing Nations (focusing on China)
There are big allegations on 2 philanthropists mainly Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation & Rockefeller Foundation to influence their agenda across poor states. They hav economic interests in various businesses. They influence through heavy donation & inorder to control policy making
Here is a big allegation on Rockfeller Foundation which has heavy investments especially in Arms business & Tobacco business.
Foundation which donates money to schools & hospitals why would invest heavily in arms business. The reason and business model can be easily understood.
This is interesting, Micheal Stevenson writes in his research that Rockefeller Foundation(RF) decided to educate the bureaucrats so that they control the policy makings in developing countries. Swαmy & his wife Roxnα who met at Harvard, both were kins of Indian bureaucrats in GOI
Now we all know that Magsaysay Award which has been given to Anti Nationals in India like Kejriwal, Ravish Kumar, etc is run by leftists organisations.

Magsaysay Award is run by none other than Rockefeller Foundation 😲
Detailed report can be found on @OpIndia_com
In their report @OpIndia_com has alleged that Rockefeller Foundation controls the United Nations, American CIA & Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) to dictate their policies in economics, health sector, agriculture, politics, they use money to get the muscle power.
Dangerous 🥺
So now from this #Thread you can clearly identify that Swαmy was given Rockefeller Foundation scholarship with some motive & purpose. This tells u why he loves China & he gets immunity frm International Cartel to attack any government at his will.
Swαmy is a bigger Anti National

More from AParajit Bharat 😌

More from History

**Thread on Bravery of Sikhs**
(I am forced to do this due to continuous hounding of Sikh Extremists since yesterday)

Rani Jindan Kaur, wife of Maharaja Ranjit Singh had illegitimate relations with Lal Singh (PM of Ranjit Singh). Along with Lal Singh, she attacked Jammu, burnt -

Hindu villages of Jasrota, caused rebellion in Jammu, attacked Kishtwar.

Ancestors of Raja Ranjit Singh, The Sansi Tribe used to give daughters as concubines to Jahangir.

The Ludhiana Political Agency (Later NW Fronties Prov) was formed by less than 4000 British soldiers who advanced from Delhi and reached Ludhiana, receiving submissions of all sikh chiefs along the way. The submission of the troops of Raja of Lahore (Ranjit Singh) at Ambala.

Dabistan a contemporary book on Sikh History tells us that Guru Hargobind broke Naina devi Idol Same source describes Guru Hargobind serving a eunuch
YarKhan. (ref was proudly shared by a sikh on twitter)
Gobind Singh followed Bahadur Shah to Deccan to fight for him.

In Zafarnama, Guru Gobind Singh states that the reason he was in conflict with the Hill Rajas was that while they were worshiping idols, while he was an idol-breaker.

And idiot Hindus place him along Maharana, Prithviraj and Shivaji as saviours of Dharma.

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"I really want to break into Product Management"

make products.

"If only someone would tell me how I can get a startup to notice me."

Make Products.

"I guess it's impossible and I'll never break into the industry."


Courtesy of @edbrisson's wonderful thread on breaking into comics – – here is why the same applies to Product Management, too.

There is no better way of learning the craft of product, or proving your potential to employers, than just doing it.

You do not need anybody's permission. We don't have diplomas, nor doctorates. We can barely agree on a single standard of what a Product Manager is supposed to do.

But – there is at least one blindingly obvious industry consensus – a Product Manager makes Products.

And they don't need to be kept at the exact right temperature, given endless resource, or carefully protected in order to do this.

They find their own way.
1. Project 1742 (EcoHealth/DTRA)
Risks of bat-borne zoonotic diseases in Western Asia

Duration: 24/10/2018-23 /10/2019

Funding: $71,500

2. Bat Virus Database
Access to the database is limited only to those scientists participating in our ‘Bats and Coronaviruses’ project
Our intention is to eventually open up this database to the larger scientific community

3. EcoHealth Alliance & DTRA Asking for Trouble
One Health research project focused on characterizing bat diversity, bat coronavirus diversity and the risk of bat-borne zoonotic disease emergence in the region.

4. Phelps, Olival, Epstein, Karesh - EcoHealth/DTRA

5, Methods and Expected Outcomes
(Unexpected Outcome = New Coronavirus Pandemic)