Remember woman who tuk multiple @SriSriTattva products 4 range of problems frm diabetes 2 gas 2 liver disease & developed liver failure, listed for liver transplant?
Here is original thread:
23 samples, Analysis results
#MedTwitter #livertwitter

Before I go into results, I must say this was overwhelming. There was SO MUCH the lab identified, impossible to put everything here. So I made a summary. At the end of this thread, I have linked a full analysis described in Excel format. Some results were VERY concerning
How did we analyse?
Here R links 2 methods
They R high end, done under strict protocols
Frm Ministry of Forest, Environment, Climate / NABL approvd Lab
ICP-OES https://t.co/O1CLhqVQAu
GC MSMS https://t.co/zRJoXyWQIr
FTIR https://t.co/goAembQ08p
Here is list V analysed 👇
Sample names written on top (each column).
First 5 samples: C what we identified in #Ayurveda #medicines
Steroids (anabolic/synthetic)
#NARCOTICS - LSD, Morphine
Blood thinners (possible reason Y bleeding tests were off the roof in the patient)
Heavy metals!
Next 5 samples (total 10 now)
Mercury is clear winner. Almost all samples
See controlled substances - Butyrolactones https://t.co/CPz0FwPEOm, methylamine https://t.co/OZnXY7U9UQ
Alcohols, industrial solvents
Rare metals - cobalt, lithium
Again lots of blood thinners
Third batch of 5 samples (total 15 till now)
#COVID19 fav Kudineer features here - good amount of Lead and also topical steroids! Also chromium metal and industrial solvents.
Hormones feature here!
Cough syrups and blood pressure drugs!
Don't miss
TOAD VENOM (Bufotalin)
Next 5 (total 20 samples now)
Lots of antibiotics again
Hell lots of synthetic chemicals and industrial solvents
#Ayurveda is not #green anymore
No one to #regulate
#adulteration #contamination #toxic #posion #healthy #hazards
#publichealth suffers.
Last batch 3 samples (now total is 23 whole)
This one feature Shilajitvadi Vati tablets with mercury 44 mg/kg - that is sky high for a drug and for a human to consume. It is poisoning dose. And also do not miss a whole lot of alcohol (ethanol, isopropyl alcohol)!
#india #DRUGS
Full report in Excel form here https://t.co/oPaAadC2It
How do we take care of this issue? This is really a public health concern. If you truly care 4 UR fellow citizens, please RT/share.
@pash22 @malini_aisola @Neurophysik @Angriy_BiRd @drcheruvarun @NorbertElekes @Shivamda
@grumpeoldman @GorwayGlobal @IMAIndiaOrg @IMA_MSNIndia @Dr_rajan_IMA @Charakan @logicalindianz @d_s_thakur @PriyankaPulla @AnooBhu @Banjotkaur @AltNewsScience @spinesurgeon @just1doctorwala @docbhooshan @thewire_in @ihissues @thePHFI @itchymissy @rashlessdoctor

More from Health

No-regret #hydrogen:
Charting early steps for H₂ infrastructure in Europe.

👉Summary of conclusions of a new study by @AgoraEW @AFRY_global @Ma_Deutsch @gnievchenko (1/17)

The idea behind this study is that future hydrogen demand is highly uncertain and we don’t want to spend tens of billions of euros to repurpose a network which won’t be needed. For instance, hydrogen in ground transport is a hotly debated topic
https://t.co/RlnqDYVzpr (2/17)

Similar things can be said about heat. 40% of today’s industrial natural gas use in the EU goes to heat below 100°C and therefore is within range of electric heat pumps – whose performance factors far exceed 100%. (3/17)

Even for higher temperatures, a range of power-to-heat (PtH) options can be more energy-efficient than hydrogen and should be considered first. Available PtH technologies can cover all temperature levels needed in industrial production (e.g. electric arc furnace: 3500°C). (4/17)

In our view, hydrogen use for feedstock and chemical reactions is the only inescapable source of industrial hydrogen demand in Europe that does not lend itself to electrification. Examples include ammonia, steel, and petrochemical industries. (5/17)
On 18.12.2020, computer engineer @FitTuber shared @YouTube video titled "10 Safe & Useful Ayurvedic Tablets to Replace Allopathic Pills (Instant Relief)". The drugs he promoted were by @baidyanathgroup, not sure if it was paid promotion. I bought them:

10 drugs, details, batch numbers R given in pic👇. All by @baidyanathgroup exept 1 by https://t.co/tg46sBhJr2
We did GCMSMS, ICP-OES and FTIR analyses on these samples. Here are my 10 safer modern medicine alternatives 2 @FitTuber's untested, potentially harmful #Ayurvedic drugs

Kanthsudharak Vati by Unjha Pharma
@FitTuber: 4 sorethroat, cold, cough
Analysis: Lead 0.54 mg/kg, Cadmium 0.4 mg/kg, Thallium 0.71 mg/kg and industrial phenols.
Low values, but not ideal.

Safe alternative: Levocetrizine & non-sedative cough syrup Levodropropizine

Baidyanath Rajbati
@Fittuber: for bloating, gas
Mercury 1.2 mg/kg
Arsenic 2.25 mg/kg
Male anabolic hormone - hydroxy testosterone+
Talc powder

Safer alternative: activated charcoal+simethicone (non-absorbed, no side effects) or short course esomeprazole.

Baidyanath Bilwadi Choorna
@Fittuber - 4 diarrhoea
Thallium 3.68 mg/kg
[fun fact: 10-15 mg/kg is lethal dose for humans. Death can occur at lower dosages] https://t.co/9ozOKROhCK
Fenretinide - synthetic anti-cancer drug
Liver toxic chromium phosph.

Safer: Racecadotril

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I’ve always felt that the luckiest people I know had a talent for recognizing circumstances, not of their own making, that were conducive to a favorable outcome and their ability to quickly take advantage of them.

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