Dr.Thakur, this is a huge issue. Big industry. Powerful lobby. They crush critique wit money power. I hav experienced it first hand.

Here is my story.

Last year March, I published this article based on my experience wit a patient who died after consuming herbalife products https://t.co/UBZRjWxIKE

It went viral on @Twitter
This caught eye of the big company who then proceeded to email me directly regarding my study, asking for proof. I said all my data was in the paper (samples sourced samples frm Amazon from an 'associate seller' 4 analysis)
They sent a direct letter (written by a prominent professor at Univ of Guelph, Canada / who works with the company) to the publisher #elsevier outlining 'problems' with my study, asking 4 'retraction'. The publisher suggested we provide a rebuttal - which we did, 24 page long.
The rebuttal was strong wit #scientific evidences 2 support our findings, 2 defend their sometimes 'very stupid' concerns. I was astonished it came from a 'professor' & his team. Nonetheless, I did not hear from the Professor or that Univ again. Things calmed down. For a while
Then came a letter to the editor. This time, from a professor working at a company called #planitox which also is funded by Herbalife. Dr Zambrone wrote this letter trying to show weakness in our manuscript. The editor in chief of the journal asked us to reply to that letter.
Our reply was packed with evidence and strong rebuttal. The letter by Zambrone and our reply was published by the journal. Here is the direct link to it https://t.co/CDmwkMnI63
Again #science helped us defend. Things were calm again. For while.
1 day, I receive legal notice from lawyers firm based in #Delhi advising me 2 provide proof of evidence regarding my study, or face heavy legal action, defamation suite. Rightfully, V again answered 'legally' 2 the firms letter. We wer ready to fight it in court.
They did not respond back. But then did something terrible. They started harassing the journal, its editorial board, served multiple legal notices to them behind our back. This was last straw. The journal editor in chief was threatened and the publisher panicked
So the journal did a re-review as per COPE guidelines. the re-review of my study came clean and no errors, scientifically sound, no mistakes were found and review committee advised them to retain the published study. But more legal threats were directed by company to journal.
So without my consent, without my co-authors consent, the journal and the publisher decided to remove the article from all online sources to 'SATISFY' the big company and 'REDUCE' legal tension. So the article now reads. Money won and #science failed. #media
I was miserable
And like that, automatically, the published letter from Zambrone et al and OUR reply to it was also RETRACTED (purely due to pressure, arm twisting) by the publisher and the journal WITHOUT notifying me or my co-authors.
Money won and #science lost. Threats won.
We did everything thru science. Our work was important. It added 2 the growing body of evidence that herbal, nutritional dietary supplements can cause dangerous organ damage in some people. This awareness needs to be raised. Ours is not the first work.
We need public awareness. Government support. We need a movement that will take #publichealth to the helm. We need 2 control damaging industries. Keep people's health priority, especially young. Science will help, protect. My patient's story is real
@malini_aisola @pash22 @Shivamda @deralteGaukler @Neurophysik @DrKaloo @Angriy_BiRd @drkamnakakkar @jonathanstea @stethospeaks @compandalt @QuackDetector @DocBastard @GorwayGlobal @d_s_thakur @IMA_MSNIndia @IMAIndiaOrg @Banjotkaur

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No-regret #hydrogen:
Charting early steps for H₂ infrastructure in Europe.

👉Summary of conclusions of a new study by @AgoraEW @AFRY_global @Ma_Deutsch @gnievchenko (1/17)

The idea behind this study is that future hydrogen demand is highly uncertain and we don’t want to spend tens of billions of euros to repurpose a network which won’t be needed. For instance, hydrogen in ground transport is a hotly debated topic
https://t.co/RlnqDYVzpr (2/17)

Similar things can be said about heat. 40% of today’s industrial natural gas use in the EU goes to heat below 100°C and therefore is within range of electric heat pumps – whose performance factors far exceed 100%. (3/17)

Even for higher temperatures, a range of power-to-heat (PtH) options can be more energy-efficient than hydrogen and should be considered first. Available PtH technologies can cover all temperature levels needed in industrial production (e.g. electric arc furnace: 3500°C). (4/17)

In our view, hydrogen use for feedstock and chemical reactions is the only inescapable source of industrial hydrogen demand in Europe that does not lend itself to electrification. Examples include ammonia, steel, and petrochemical industries. (5/17)

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