My last #tweetorial focused on the GCS. Now let's look at another hugely important clinical window into the brain: the pupil. What does a 'blown pupil' really imply? What about small fixed pupils? To understand this, we need to see how pupil size is governed. #FOAMed 1/20

The pupil has two functions, constriction and dilation, both under autonomic control. Sympathetics dilate the pupil and open the eyelid - easy to remember, because in 'fight or flight' mode, maximum information needs to get in to keep you alive. 2/20
By contrast, constriction is parasympathetic. Its main function is to regulate the amount of light on the retina, so in response to high light intensity (like a pen torch), both pupils constrict. 3/20
These parasympathetics have a straightforward course (literally). They hitchhike on the third nerve, which runs forward from the midbrain to the orbit to supply most of the extraocular muscles and eyelid. As they're superficial, they're vulnerable to extrinsic compression. 4/20
Plenty of things can compress the third nerve and produce mydriasis (a dilated pupil) - most classically a posterior communicating artery aneurysm. But in the context of an acutely comatose patient, it suggests something worrying: 'uncal herniation'. Why is this? 5/20
Here's the uncus (red). It's the lowest, most medial part of the temporal lobe, right on the skull base. See how close it is to the third nerve (yellow), and the cerebral peduncle (white, bringing the motor fibres down to the other side of the body) 6/20
When you have raised intracranial pressure, or an enlarging intracranial mass lesion like a haematoma over the hemisphere, you can see how the uncus might press down on these structures. The result - blown pupil, contralateral weakness and coma from brainstem compression. 7/20
So a blown pupil is a failure of parasympathetic pupilloconstriction allowing unchallenged sympathetic dilation. What about when sympathetic control of the pupil fails? This causes miosis, or a constricted pupil. 8/20
Horner's syndrome. "Miosis, ptosis, anhydrosis… Miosis, ptosis, anhydrosis"... The sympathetics have a frustratingly long course, but understanding it helps you get your head around the clinical picture and causes of a Horner's. 9/20
The pupillary sympathetics start in the hypothalamus, with input from the cerebral hemisphere. They descend in the cord, where they exit in the T1 root. They then ascend in the sympathetic chain, hitchhiking on the internal carotid back into the head again and to the pupil. 10/20
A lesion anywhere along this path affects the fibres to the pupil and the eyelid, so you ALWAYS get miosis and ptosis. But as sweat sympathetics to the upper forequarter of the body leave at various points, the degree of anhydrosis varies… 11/20
CNS problems like haemorrhage/trauma affecting the descending fibres in the brain/brainstem/cervical cord cause miosis, ptosis, and anhydrosis to the face, neck, arm and chest on that side.

The classical example is pontine haemorrhage - deep coma and pinpoint pupils. 12/20
If the problem is affecting the lower sympathetic chain, the fibres to the arm and chest have already left - there will be anhydrosis to the face only. The most worrying cause is a Pancoast tumour of the lung affecting the T1 root. 13/20
Moving further along the pathway, there are problems higher up like internal carotid dissections or skull base tumours. All the sweat sympathetics have branched off by now, so there is miosis and ptosis only! 14/20
For me, this structure serves mostly to think systematically about the causes of Horner's, what other features/symptoms to think about, and which investigations might be most appropriate. But if you really want to check for anhydrosis - try a spoon! 15/20
Anyway, importantly, third nerve palsy causes ptosis with dilated pupil; Horner's causes ptosis with constricted pupil. So the size of the pupil - or the laterality of the ptosis - becomes essential to knowing which pathology is at play. 16/20
Never forget that opiates cause small pupils, and pupils are physiologically small in old age, and in infancy. They should still be reactive, but in small pupils this is very hard to appreciate. 17/20
Finally, there are couple of locations where pathology can affect both parasympathetics and sympathetics together. One is the midbrain, where the third nerves come out anteriorly whilst the sympathetics descend towards T1. Compression here can cause a midsized, fixed pupil. 18/20
The other place is the cavernous sinus, where the third nerve parasympathetics and the internal carotid sympathetics happen to run together to the orbit. A midsized, fixed pupil in a swollen, painful eye with restricted movements can occur with cavernous sinus syndrome. 19/20
I hope this helps to demonstrate how much information you can get from examining the pupils. There are other pupillary disturbances - but at the very least, thinking about pupil size in this anatomical way can help to make a confusing area a little more structured. Thanks! 20/20

More from Health

Remember woman who tuk multiple @SriSriTattva products 4 range of problems frm diabetes 2 gas 2 liver disease & developed liver failure, listed for liver transplant?
Here is original thread:
23 samples, Analysis results
#MedTwitter #livertwitter

Before I go into results, I must say this was overwhelming. There was SO MUCH the lab identified, impossible to put everything here. So I made a summary. At the end of this thread, I have linked a full analysis described in Excel format. Some results were VERY concerning

How did we analyse?
Here R links 2 methods
They R high end, done under strict protocols
Frm Ministry of Forest, Environment, Climate / NABL approvd Lab
Here is list V analysed 👇

Sample names written on top (each column).
First 5 samples: C what we identified in #Ayurveda #medicines
Steroids (anabolic/synthetic)
#NARCOTICS - LSD, Morphine
Blood thinners (possible reason Y bleeding tests were off the roof in the patient)
Heavy metals!

Next 5 samples (total 10 now)
Mercury is clear winner. Almost all samples
See controlled substances - Butyrolactones, methylamine
Alcohols, industrial solvents
Rare metals - cobalt, lithium
Again lots of blood thinners
🚨Important changes to lockdown/self-isolation regulations from 5pm

The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (All Tiers and Self-Isolation) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2021

£800 'house party' FPN & police can now access track & trace data

“Large gathering offence”

As trailed by Home Secretary last week there is now a fixed penalty notice of £800 (or £400 if you pay within 14 days) for participating in an gathering of over 15 people in a private residence

Fixed Penalty Notices double for each subsequent “large gathering offence” up to £6,400

- Ordinary fixed penalty notice is £200 or £100 if paid in 14 days
- Holding or being involved in the holding of a gathering of over 30 people is £10,000

Second big change:

Since September has been a legal requirement to sell-isolate if you test positive/notified by Track & Trace of exposure to someone else who tested positive

Police can now be given access to NHS Track & Trace data if for the purpose of enforcement/prosecution

This will make it easier for police to enforce people breaking self-isolation rules. Currently there has been practically no enforcement.

Data says only a small proportion of people meant to be self-isolating are fully doing so.

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A brief analysis and comparison of the CSS for Twitter's PWA vs Twitter's legacy desktop website. The difference is dramatic and I'll touch on some reasons why.

Legacy site *downloads* ~630 KB CSS per theme and writing direction.

6,769 rules
9,252 selectors
16.7k declarations
3,370 unique declarations
44 media queries
36 unique colors
50 unique background colors
46 unique font sizes
39 unique z-indices

PWA *incrementally generates* ~30 KB CSS that handles all themes and writing directions.

735 rules
740 selectors
757 declarations
730 unique declarations
0 media queries
11 unique colors
32 unique background colors
15 unique font sizes
7 unique z-indices

The legacy site's CSS is what happens when hundreds of people directly write CSS over many years. Specificity wars, redundancy, a house of cards that can't be fixed. The result is extremely inefficient and error-prone styling that punishes users and developers.

The PWA's CSS is generated on-demand by a JS framework that manages styles and outputs "atomic CSS". The framework can enforce strict constraints and perform optimisations, which is why the CSS is so much smaller and safer. Style conflicts and unbounded CSS growth are avoided.