1. “Dr Tomas Ryan : Sociopath Or Psychopath : Or Both ?”

Answer = Both. Shortest Thread Ever. Only joking. Let’s jump in and try to see what makes Dr Tomas Ryan tick 🧵 1/21

2. Dr Tomas Ryan is a Neuroscientist at Trinity College Dublin. He has appeared on Claire Byrne Live, Prime Time & The Tonight Show in addition to radio appearances. He calls himself a Scholar on his Twitter bio.
3. He is part of the Zero Covid Cult Crew (ZCCC) out of that hallowed institute of learning, Trinity College Dublin. Other contemporaries of his in the merry little band are Luke O Neill, Kingston Mills & Aoife McLysaght.
4. Kingston Mills & Aoife McLysaght are staunch proponents of the Zero Covid strategy. Mills is an agenda contributor to the World Economic Forum and recently wrote an article for them entitled "Is reaching zero Covid-19 possible"


5. Did I forget to mention that TCD got funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation for Vaccine development to the tune of $230,000. Tomas was also sponsored by Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute to complete his Phd in Cambridge. Let's just say he has connections to Big Pharma
6. Tomas’ sole intention in this “pandemic” is to try and terrify people. He has succeeded admirably in doing this. He likes to take special aim at children and their grandparents as is witnessed by this image he posted to Twitter.
7. Tomas has had a free run on TV with very little opposition or alternative viewpoints. When he first got airtime he complained that NPHET was lacking experts. I totally agree with him, yet he wanted to replace the experts with the ZCCC.

8. Throughout the last year we have been subject to "real science" on the TV when Tomas makes an appearance such as

"Tony Holohan is the frog who came into the water when it was already boiling."

9. Tomas likes to push the Zero Covid elimination strategy.

10. In November he said "The pandemic is not a failure of individuals, it's a failure of the system. Everyone is trying their best at every level but it's just not working ." He is correct again but it is because lockdowns don’t work

11. He certainly does like his animal analogies. In the Irish Times recently, referring to an increase in cases, he said “What happened in December was we invited the tiger to tea, and the tiger ate us”
12. Even as recently as January he tried to explain on National TV that the only way of getting Zero Covid to work is to treat “every case like murder”. Interesting choice of words.

13. Promoting a Zero Covid Strategy is all well and good when you can shoot from the hip without being challenged. In all his appearances, the media have become nodding dogs without asking insightful questions or questioning the Zero Covid narrative. He always gets a free ride.
14. It does all fall apart at the seams though when he is confronted by a real expert. Enter Professor John Lee on Prime Time last year. What we began to witness was car crash TV from Tomas

15. His face turned red, his speech sped up, his lips began to quiver and he stumbled over his words. This was the first time he had been openly challenged and he came up short. To be perfectly honest, it was a shocking performance. His handlers must have been fuming.
16. He does get very excited when talking about Zero Covid, verging on the fanatical. This week he discussed the need for a 0 covid strategy, he said 'There is only one strategy for dealing with the pandemic - get it down, get it out and keep it out.'

17. In the same interview he said that 90% of people wanted “mandatory quarantine in hotels” whilst at the same time having the audacity to talk about people’s “mental health”.
18. As another puppet on a string once said

“How Dare You”. How dare he talk about "mental health"

It is this ludicrous insistence on keeping countries locked down and people quarantined why people’s mental health is shot to pieces. Not the virus.

19. Tomas is obviously being compensated very nicely for all his appearances on TV & Radio in order to continue to stoke the fires of fear. I expect his bank account has exploded and his salary from TCD is keeping him to a grandeur to which he is accustomed.
20. Meanwhile there are tens of thousands of people who have barely a penny to rub together, struggling to make ends meet, whilst Tomas pontificates from his Ivory Tower about locking people up and the insane Zero Covid strategy.
21. I decided to send Tomas a cheque which he can add to all the others he's received. It’s a big fat Zero as he is part of the Zero Covid Cult Crew after all. Definitely a Sociopath as well as a Psychopath.

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Thread on how atheism leads to mental retardation (backed with medical citations🧵💉)

To start with, atheism is an unnatural self-contradicting doctrine.

Medical terminology proves that human beings are naturally pre-disposed to believe in God. Oxford scientists assert that people are "born believers".


It should be known that atheism could never produce an intelligently-functioning society and neither ever will.

Contrastingly, Islam produced several intellectuals & polymaths, was on the forefront of scientific development, boasting 100% literacy

It is also scientifically proven that atheism led to lesser scientific curiosity and scientific frauds, which is also why atheists incline to pseudo-science.

Whereas, religion in general and Islam in particular boosted education.


Atheists are also likely to affected by pervasive mental and developmental disorders like high-functioning autism.

Cognitive Scientists and renowned Neurologists found that more atheism is leads to greater autism.


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