Let’s talk about ORGANIC.

Robert Paarlberg’s new book on the food system is out today, and here’s an excerpt.

He’s not a fan of organic, and he makes some good points but misses others.

Here we go.

Organic's biggest shortcoming is that you need more land to grow the same amount of food.

The yield penalty happens in almost every crop, in almost every study.

The gap could narrow with more research/varieties, but it won’t go away.

This has big, bad climate implications.
The second issue I have with organic, which Paarlberg shares, is that its basic criterion is naturalness.

Natural doesn’t mean safe, or even safer. A farming standard based on it forces farmers to sometimes use more dangerous, less effective tools.
On human health, there’s scant evidence that pesticide residues on conventional produce are harmful to consumers (though it’s possible farmworkers could be at risk).

What I don’t want is for folks who can’t afford organic to worry about feeding their kids conventional produce.
On the plus side, Paarlberg acknowledges that the organic standard has some real advantages for animal welfare.

This is why I buy organic animal products.

Many in the organic world would like more regs ensuring animals have decent lives.
Now, what Paarlberg misses. First, there are some environmental advantages. I wrote this a while back, and have since seen some evidence that organic systems may sequester carbon deeper in the soil, where it’s less likely to be re-released.
He also misses organic’s success for farmers.

It enables growers to find like-minded consumers willing to pay a premium, and organic farmers are more profitable. This is good for a couple of reasons.
First, as a farmer, but also as a human, I'm in favor of farmers making a living.

If they all could, maybe we wouldn’t have to subsidize them to the tune of $20 billion a year.

But profitable farmers also have the cushion to experiment with new ways to farm better.
The last thing Paarlberg misses is an opportunity.

There has been, in the conventional ag community, a tendency toward sneering superciliousness about organic. Some call to boycott it!

Why? Because SCIENCE!
And I have to say that Paarlberg kicks off his piece with some smugness that I find off-putting.
Why does ORGANIC vs. CONVENTIONAL have to be war?

Because organic is a small slice of ag, I'll trade off its yield penalty for farmer livelihoods & the benefits from the experimentation I’ve seen on farms.

No, we can’t turn all acres organic, but I don’t think that’s a risk.
Bottom line:

ORGANIC: Some enviro benefits; better conditions for animals; farmers make a living

CONVENTIONAL: Better yields; unconstrained by “naturalness,” so can sometimes use safer/better practices; more affordable

I want a food supply with both.

Thanks for listening.

More from Health

You gotta think about this one carefully!

Imagine you go to the doctor and get tested for a rare disease (only 1 in 10,000 people get it.)

The test is 99% effective in detecting both sick and healthy people.

Your test comes back positive.

Are you really sick? Explain below 👇

The most complete answer from every reply so far is from Dr. Lena. Thanks for taking the time and going through

You can get the answer using Bayes' theorem, but let's try to come up with it in a different —maybe more intuitive— way.


Here is what we know:

- Out of 10,000 people, 1 is sick
- Out of 100 sick people, 99 test positive
- Out of 100 healthy people, 99 test negative

Assuming 1 million people take the test (including you):

- 100 of them are sick
- 999,900 of them are healthy


Let's now test both groups, starting with the 100 people sick:

▫️ 99 of them will be diagnosed (correctly) as sick (99%)

▫️ 1 of them is going to be diagnosed (incorrectly) as healthy (1%)


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Rig Ved 1.36.7

To do a Namaskaar or bow before someone means that you are humble or without pride and ego. This means that we politely bow before you since you are better than me. Pranipaat(प्राणीपात) also means the same that we respect you without any vanity.


Surrendering False pride is Namaskaar. Even in devotion or bhakti we say the same thing. We want to convey to Ishwar that we have nothing to offer but we leave all our pride and offer you ourselves without any pride in our body. You destroy all our evil karma.


We bow before you so that you assimilate us and make us that capable. Destruction of our evils and surrender is Namaskaar. Therefore we pray same thing before and after any big rituals.


तं घे॑मि॒त्था न॑म॒स्विन॒ उप॑ स्व॒राज॑मासते ।
होत्रा॑भिर॒ग्निं मनु॑षः॒ समिं॑धते तिति॒र्वांसो॒ अति॒ स्रिधः॑॥

Translation :

नमस्विनः - To bow.

स्वराजम् - Self illuminating.

तम् - His.

घ ईम् - Yours.

इत्था - This way.

उप - Upaasana.

आसते - To do.

स्त्रिधः - For enemies.


अति तितिर्वांसः - To defeat fast.

मनुषः - Yajman.

होत्राभिः - In seven numbers.

अग्निम् - Agnidev.

समिन्धते - Illuminated on all sides.

Explanation : Yajmans bow(do Namaskaar) before self illuminating Agnidev by making the offerings of Havi.
