This video captures #PinkHatLady #BullHornLady BEFORE she grabs the bullhorn. She uses a battering ram to shatter the Capitol windows. If you know this person call the FBI’s Tipline at 1-800-CALL-FBI (1-800-225-5324)
@FBIWFO #SeditionVids

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Today, @propublica published a searchable data set of videos from the Capitol hill attack that is organized by time and location. #SeditionHunters #SeditionVids

These are some of the hashtags being used to identify rioters. #SeditionHunters




More from Government

This is a good piece on fissures within the GOP but I think it mischaracterizes the Trump presidency as “populist” & repeats a story about how conservatives & the GOP expelled the far-right in the mid-1960s that is actually far more complicated. /1

I don’t think the sharp opposition between “hard-edge populism” & “conservative orthodoxy” holds. Many of the Trump administration’s achievements were boilerplate conservatism. Its own website trumpets things like “massive deregulation,” tax cuts, etc. /2

The claim that Buckley and “key GOP politicians banded together to marginalize anti-Communist extremism and conspiracy-mongering” of the JBS has been widely repeated lately but the history is more complicated. /3

This tweet by @ThePlumLineGS citing a paper by @sam_rosenfeld and @daschloz on the "porous" boundary between conservatives, the GOP and the far-right is relevant in this context.

This is a separate point but I find it interesting that Gaetz, like Roy Moore did In his failed Senate campaign, disses McConnell. What are their actual policy differences? MM supported taking health care away from millions, a tax cut for the rich, conservative judges, etc. /5

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