"Action track 2" of the UN Food Systems Summit will be:
-Chaired by EAT's founder
-Have WHO as anchoring agency
-Have an "innovation pillar" led by the Good Food Institute (a lobby group for vegan lab-foods)

Now imagine the outcome of this triumvirate!🤔

Background here: https://t.co/1LL7ba3Quz
What is the GFI? An extremely well-funded lobby platform, representing producers of lab-generated foods that are meant to take over "outdated" animal foods.
On the advisory board we find some people like the founder of FAIRR (Jeremy Coller) and the Saudi Prince Khaled bin Alwaleed.
Here's some info on FAIRR, Alwaleed, and the $$$.

To give you an idea of the mindset: "dairy is the root of all environmental evil", says the guy with the big wallet.

This person is advising the GFI, which in turn will be leading the "innovation pillar" of the UN Food Systems Summit... !

The vegan-warrior Prince is also close to EAT, of which -remember- the founder is *chairing* the "sustainable diet" track of the same UN Food Systems Summit

Here's the happy bunch together: EAT's founder (middle with dog), the Prince (right), & a couple of GFI-linked folks at the UN headquarters in UN, discussing transition options to a veganized future.

This was in 2018.
There's more:
50by40= vegan & animal rights organizations + WRI (close ally of EAT), True Health Initiative (with EAT's Walter Willett as core member) & GFI!

Their aim? '50% reduction in global production & consumption of farmed animal products by 2040"
So what's the UN Food Systems Summit's track on Sustainable Diets going to bring us, with these people in charge? Wait & see. But it probably will involve a Great Food Transformation. A what? This: https://t.co/F8NzBgTiUf
For those able to read French, this excellent book by @GillesLuneau talks in detail about the GFI background ($$$, vegan ideology, transhumanism, ...):

Feel like exploring more? This metathread should keep you busy...


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