We need to talk about @senatemajldr Mitch McConnell and how he is MURDERING THIS NATION. And we need to talk about it RIGHT NOW. Yesterday he killed the only chance for a nation hanging on by a thread to receive ANY economic relief. HE MUST BE REMOVED FROM HIS POSITION (Thread)

Over his 30+ YEAR tenure in Congress, McConnell has used his power to turn the GOP into a cult of spineless obstructionists who spit on the American people. Who cover up and "acquit" criminal Republican Presidents while launching baseless illegal investigations into Democrats.
Who invent fake "precedents" to block black Presidents from appointing Supreme Court Justices and then revoke them when the table turns. Who pass no bills but pack the courts. Who care about nothing but MAINTAINING POWER AT ANY COST. Well the costs are too damn high, Mitch.
Over 341,000 Americans ARE DEAD because YOU refused to remove a blatantly guilty treasonous mobster criminal from office in early February. The economy that Obama and Biden recovered from the Bush recession lies in ruins. Millions are on the brink of eviction and bankruptcy.
And you couldn't even give a paltry $2000 to Americans? That was too much to ask? Billionaires got 2 TRILLION. You yourself are a multi-millionaire. The rest of us get NOTHING. So what can we do? HOW DO WE REMOVE THIS ABOMINATION? G-E-O-R-G-I-A. That's how.
On Jan 5th, 2 runoff elections are going to decide which party controls the senate. Republican @KLoeffler (#KKKelly; worth $800 million & never elected) faces Democrat @ReverendWarnock; while GOP incumbent @Perduesenate (corruption incarnate) faces @ossoff. WE CAN WIN THESE SEATS
And when we do, McConnell's reign of terror ENDS. He will fade into the dustbin of history just like Trump. But I need you to understand what is at stake here, because it could very well be the survival of not just our nation/democracy, but the planet. I am not being hyperbolic.
To demonstrate the stakes, we need to go digging to see what Mitch is so proudly keeping buried in his "legislative graveyard" where he boastfully calls himself "the grim reaper" of democratic legislation. There are hundreds of bills that he gleefully calls "Dead on Arrival"
I am not going to list all 395 bills that are sitting on Mitch McConnell's desk. What I am going to do is tell you about the ones that I believe are among the most important for repairing this broken nation, restoring democracy, and saving ourselves from the climate crisis.
#1.) H.R. 1: For the People Act
—You can register to vote online
—You can register to vote on election day
—You are automatically registered to vote when eligible
—Hand-marked paper ballots replace voting machines that can be hacked
—Candidates for POTUS must release tax returns
#2.) H.R. 5: The Equality Act
—This would provide comprehensive protections for LGBTQ Americans in employment, education, federal funding, housing, public accommodations and more; & make it illegal to discriminate against them, penalize, or fire them for their sexual orientation.
#3.) H.R. 6: The American Dream and Promise Act
—DREAMers (young immigrants who came to the U.S. as children) would be protected from deportation, detainment, or harassment by ICE or CBP
—A path to citizenship would be established for more than 2 million immigrants
#4.) H.R. 7: The Paycheck Fairness Act
—Employers can no longer ask about prospective employees’ salaries
—Companies cannot retaliate against employees who compare wages or seek other employment
—Employers must show that pay disparities are based on factors like merit/performance
#5.) H.R. 8: The Bipartisan Background Checks Act
—Background check requirements on private sales of firearms would be expanded to include those sold at gun shows, on the internet, or through classified ads (which is how multiple mass shooters obtained their murder weapons)
#6.) H.R. 9: The Climate Action Now Act
—This would have blocked our exit from the Paris climate agreement, which thankfully President-elect @JoeBiden has already announced we will be rejoining on Day 1 of his administration, which cannot come soon enough.
#7.) H.R. 987: The Strengthening Health Care and Lowering Prescription Drug Costs Act
—Nearly all Rx drug prices would be lowered
—The Affordable Care Act would be strengthened
—Healthcare for millions of Americans with preexisting conditions would be permanently protected
#8.) H.R. 1585: The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act
—Everything in the original bill +
—Funding and grants for domestic abuse programs
—Expand the prohibition of firearm purchases for spouses or formerly married partners convicted of abuse to include dating partners
#9.) H.R. 1644: The Save the Internet Act
—Reverse the 2017 vote to repeal net neutrality, making it once again unlawful for internet service providers like AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile to block or throttle consumer access to the internet and empower the FCC to enforce these rules
#10.) H.R. 582 – Raise the Wage Act
—Increase the federal minimum wage for regular employees over a 7-year period, for tipped employees, and for newly hired employees who are under 20 years old
—Eliminate the separate minimum wage requirements for tipped & newly hired employees
#11.) S. 1391: The Fair Drug Pricing Act
—Requires drug companies to reduce prices for medications, vaccines, and other healthcare products
—Requires companies to give notice and justification for raising the price of a drug more than 10% at a time or more than 25 over 3 years
There are HUNDREDS MORE. But the bottom line is this: ONE MAN is standing in the way of:
—Increasing access to healthcare, health insurance, and lower-cost drugs
—Raising the minimum wage & closing the gender pay gap
—Improving internet access, cost, and speed for all Americans
—Protecting consumers and college students from deceptive, predatory, discriminatory banking practices
—Addressing foreign and domestic terrorism, including designating white supremacist groups as terrorists
—Improving benefits for veterans, including tax relief and child care
—Addressing violence against women and discrimination based on sexual orientation
—Building a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers
—Addressing the issue of gun violence with common-sense measures that would actually help to prevent mass shootings
—Addressing climate change by investing in sustainable clean energy, which would create millions of jobs
—Reducing government corruption, increasing oversight, securing elections & voting rights, ending gerrymandering & ending the influence of money in politics
No one man should have this much power. And certainly not THIS MAN. This treasonous racist gravedigger of democracy who smiles as he screws over the people he has somehow been re-elected to serve 5 times. Georgia, you can remove him from majority leader and save this country.
This video from @donwinslow shows what a monster Mitch truly is. He objected to every single part of the COVID relief bill that would have saved American lives including paid sick leave while ADDING more tax breaks for the rich.
If you object to this grotesque man’s continuing destruction of our democracy, then please share this thread; donate to @ossoff and @ReverendWarnock if you can; and get everyone you know in Georgia to VOTE BLUE AND FLIP THE SENATE.
The Republican controlled senate under Mitch McConnell is why the 116th Congress is on track to be the least productive in history. Only 1 percent of nearly 15,000 bills have been enacted into law between January 3, 2019, and now. Georgia, remove Mitch.

More from Government

Which metric is a better predictor of the severity of the fall surge in US states?

1) Margin of Democrat victory in Nov 2020 election
2) % infected through Sep 1, 2020

Can you guess which plot is which?

The left plot is based on the % infected through Sep 1, 2020. You can see that there is very little correlation with the % infected since Sep 1.

However, there is a *strong* correlation when using the margin of Biden's victory (right).

Infections % from

This is the strongest single variable I've seen in being able to explain the severity of this most recent wave in each state.

Not past infections / existing immunity, population density, racial makeup, latitude / weather / humidity, etc.

But political lean.

One can argue that states that lean Democrat are more likely to implement restrictions/mandates.

This is valid, so we test this by using the Government Stringency Index made by @UniofOxford.

We also see a correlation, but it's weaker (R^2=0.36 vs 0.50).


To avoid look-ahead bias/confounding variables, here is the same analysis but using 2016 margin of victory as the predictor. Similar results.

This basically says that 2016 election results is a better predictor of the severity of the fall wave than intervention levels in 2020!

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