Questions for today:
1) What is a military tribunal?
2) What is the punishment for treason?
3) Did Barr step down or step aside? Who IS Jeff Rosen and Richard Donahue?
4)Who is our country's biggest threat? Hint, it is not Russia, or Russia or Russia!

4) Are we at war right now? Is war always defined by physical fighting?
5) Why, now, that election day went by is the MSM reporting on Hunter's laptop, when just weeks ago they were denying it, lying to say it was Russia disinfornation, calling it a 'conspiracy theory'?
(Bonus - what 'phrase' do liberals like to use to dodge factual conversations almost as much as calling 'racist' and parroting MSM?)
6) Did China lie about their COVID numbers? Are they laughing at us *our fear?
Are they bragging about having paid for Americans working for their agenda in ALL levels of our govt, our justice (including judges) and defense systems, Wall Street and even our schools?
Do we have video of any of this?

7) What IS China's (and other's like Gates, Soros, Rothchild's, the Vatican, the Crown, CIA, WHO, etc) agenda/plan for America? For the world? It's no secret, and it most definately is not a conspiracy theory, but rather a factual conspiracy
8) Is Biden the LEGAL winner of the Presidential election? Is it finalized? Why hasn't Kamala stepped down? Why are they fighting so hard in the battle ground states not to have to submit the machines used in the election over to forensic auditing?
9) Who owns interest in Dominion, Hammer and Scorecard machines? Who invested HEAVILY in Dominion just weeks before Nov 3rd?
9) What was $500,000,000 (yes, 500MILLION DOLLARS!) that was 'donated' to the swing states by Zuckerberg's for the election - that was ALREADY federally funded- used for? Think about that number before going with the MSM's answer to this.
10) Who is Harrison Deal? Why is he and questin #9 such significant links to understanding so much of what we've been seeing in the courts on election matters (as well as other areas of Govt concern)?
11) WHY is the media, fb, twitter, Google and youtube trying SO hard to make people believe that there is no evidence of election fraud on a HUGE scale - when they KNOW better? WHY?
Why are they working SO hard to hide conservative information with heavy handed censorship? What are they trying to hide if there is nothing to hide?

12) why is television media called 'programming'?
Ok - enough for today. So many questions! At least these all have factual answers, if you'd like answers to any of the above hit me up, I'd be happy to help you search the truth out! These points are all imminently important to all of us right now.
Have a blessed night!



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Oh my Goodness!!!

I might have a panic attack due to excitement!!

Read this thread to the end...I just had an epiphany and my mind is blown. Actually, more than blown. More like OBLITERATED! This is the thing! This is the thing that will blow the entire thing out of the water!

Has this man been concealing his true identity?

Is this man a supposed 'dead' Seal Team Six soldier?

Witness protection to be kept safe until the right moment when all will be revealed?!

Who ELSE is alive that may have faked their death/gone into witness protection?

Were "golden tickets" inside the envelopes??

Are these "golden tickets" going to lead to their ultimate undoing?

Review crumbs on the board re: 'gold'.

#SEALTeam6 Trump re-tweeted this.

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