
“What authority does POTUS have specifically over the Marines?”

“only branch of service that falls directly under exec command”

“Nati Sec Act of 1947, amended in 1952, specifies the duties of the USMC to include: ‘perform such other duties as the president may direct.’”
This is the QProof. Go back
10/31/2017, Q wrote:

“Why is ANTIFA allowed to operate?
Why hasn't the MB been classified as a terrorist org?
What happens if Soros funded operations get violent and engage in domestic terrorism?
What happens if mayors/ police comms/chiefs do not enforce the law?”

How is it possible?
What do you see?
What do you really see?
When does the First Lady ever wear pants and pose like that?
So Israel sent someone to tell us what’s going to happen here?
This is a very detailed rundown/analysis of the situation, posted today. It seems beyond belief that we would do nothing in response to fraud, hack attack reaching up to the top.
One thing that occurred to me was that the hack attack was “magically” discovered after @POTUS threatened to veto the China-friendly NDAA. The hackers had been active since spring. Funny how stock gets dumped and it’s a crisis now.
Also it is suspicious that everyone is yelling “Russia” not “China” and refusing altogether to ask “who left the door open?”
This was posted today: “the die has been cast”
We know a meeting with A/SD Miller was set for 3:30 today with @POTUS
All this stuff happening the past day or so

China flaunts its tanks destroying 'Taiwanese troops' in mock combat
The left is on board with a response
Biden China grifting - look at the photo
Unmistakable comm
A lot is happening very quickly. We have been waiting to see what happens with the 2018 EO.

So far today this happened.
The fact is that @POTUS would have signed the bipartisan legislation into law anyway, and its impact will be lessened by a time window. But the optic is powerful; we won’t be cowed.
Why is the optic important? Because whoever did the hack and whoever made it public wanted to show that they could cause critical damage.
The SolarWinds “Sunburst” hack is a stinger both in terms of the spying it allowed and the lateral “crawling” it afforded the invader.
China literally never stops spying.
China had money in Dominion, as well as parts.

Maricopa County won’t give up the machines for review.

So @POTUS is possibly sending in the Marines.
Previously, “on the morning of November 5, as the 2020 election hung in the balance, Arizona federal agents raided a two-story house in...Maricopa County....looking for evidence of a cyberattack on an unnamed organization and stolen voter data.”
Michael Flynn: Trump could deploy military to 'rerun' election
We don’t know much about the foreign election interference briefing the President received today because the emphasis has been on Swalwell. BREAKING REPORT: Kevin McCarthy Says DNI John Ratcliffe Delivered the Report on Swalwell via @gatewaypundit
It’s not clear what was said today vs what has been delayed

Intel Report on election interference will not be turned in on time due to reported dispute via @BIZPACReview
.@POTUS always uses the energy of the opposition to accomplish his own goals.

"Not to have the White House aggressively speaking out and protesting and taking punitive action is really quite extraordinary," Romney said. # via @HuffPostPol
Also today a weird TV ceremonial vaccination of Pelosi and Pence, which made me wonder what the underlying meaning was. Like was it a humiliation ritual?
And I keep thinking about why the sun comes up repeatedly —

Sunrise movement
Sunburst attack

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1/ Here’s a list of conversational frameworks I’ve picked up that have been helpful.

Please add your own.

2/ The Magic Question: "What would need to be true for you

3/ On evaluating where someone’s head is at regarding a topic they are being wishy-washy about or delaying.

“Gun to the head—what would you decide now?”

“Fast forward 6 months after your sabbatical--how would you decide: what criteria is most important to you?”

4/ Other Q’s re: decisions:

“Putting aside a list of pros/cons, what’s the *one* reason you’re doing this?” “Why is that the most important reason?”

“What’s end-game here?”

“What does success look like in a world where you pick that path?”

5/ When listening, after empathizing, and wanting to help them make their own decisions without imposing your world view:

“What would the best version of yourself do”?