So before we get started, let us first understand that before Trump was POTUS GITMO (Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp) was a fraction of the size it now is. This can be clearly confirmed by the following visuals, identifying a significant amount of expansion...
for what is expected to be tens of thousands of new ex-elite prisoners. Well, those who are not executed via military tribunal at least. ow, if you are not aware of these indictments I am referring to, that makes perfect sense because they are still sealed and not yet...
Public knowledge. Please allow me to enlighten you. These equate to roughly 222,00 sealed indictments and pertain to the most disturbing and corrupt crimes against humanity. These range from human trafficking, organ trafficking...
child sex trafficking, slavery, treason, terrorism, fraud, misuse of AI, genocide, brainwashing, defamation, 5G endangerment, religious discrimination, misrepresentation, censorship, privacy infringement, and prevention of saving humanity from biotech endangerment.
Below you will find the related and confirmed ongoing lawsuit filed by Cyprus A. Parsa, The AI Organization vs. Google et al. on February 26, 2020.
Equally, there has been numerous documents published on the Human Rights Tribunal International website relating to violations of all 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) including war crimes to commit mass genocide involving ANTIFA, CDC, Fauci, Gates..
Foundation, National Lawyers Guild, National Governors Association, The Rothschild Family, and WHO.
Many of these involved elites have been using COVID-19 as a guise for their crimes against humanity, using coded communications to let each other know their legal situations. This images below give us a great breakdown of their comms.
Many of these involved elites are currently suited with an ankle monitor or microchip tracker. They often fake a leg injury to get a large cast/brace over the monitor to conceal it easily. Below we can see Ellen DeGeneres with her SMART Monitor on.
Justin Trudeau for example had the ankle monitor himself for some time, until he supposedly had himself micro-chipped as explained below in the following note by Annie, a Canadian Government official.
Whereas the clone/double Joe Biden so flagrantly shows off how not broken his foot is, just mere days after he allegedly fractured it. He is so obviously concealing an ankle monitor and this just makes it undeniable. Clearly he has entirely capitulated to the plan and is merely..
playing his role out, possibly even a white hat actor.
As of June 11, 2020 images of lists with elites' names began surfacing on social media and circulating around in groups and group chats. They seem to identify who is currently on house arrest, in prison, awaiting tribunal, at GITMO, or already executed. There are many versions of
the lists and there appears to be quite some overlap in names, which helps to confirm the validity of them.
Furthermore, there has been numerous additions and updates to these lists thanks to Brian Robert Hyland from Conspiracy Daily Update. I have taken the most updated version of the list and alphabetized it for your pleasure and ease of use if you'd like an excel copy of the names
Many of these elites that are already arrested or executed along with those who have not yet had their military tribunal will soon begin to commit suicide or die mysterious deaths. This is also how the white hat clones/doubles filling in for
the indicted elites will exit the movie we are all watching. The fake news media may even label many of these Rommel deaths as COVID-19 to push their narrative on the sleeping masses in order to keep as many fear-mongered as possible.
These elites are attempting to protect their public image and legacy intact and have taken deals behind the scenes. The crimes they have committed are either treasonous or crimes against humanity which all equate to the death sentence regardless.
Operation Warp Speed, a military vaccine delivery operation is believed to secretly be indictments unsealing for mass arrests via the military for crimes against humanity, treason, and other high crimes (the military is the cure). We have seen numerous live broadcasted vaccine
Injections to some well known treasonous or pedophilic persons. Now the key point that needs to be overserved in the following image is that all the flags are wrinkled, which is a comm for traitor/treason. Is it possible that these vaccines are actually lethal injections?