When Presidents propose a bill or plan, congress still has to draft and pass the bill in full, bc it includes more than just "issue this check."
So ask your congressional rep where your checks are, because it's on congress to get it through.

Biden did sign an executive order last week to push the treasury to expedite delivery of the initial $600 payment that was already approved in December, because a lot of eligible folks still haven't received it, even though the deadline for disbursement was Jan 15th.
Y'all wanna hold Biden to his promises this term, hold your folks in house and senate to theirs, because it's their job to negotiate plans and bills and pass them. Not everything can be done through executive order. Biden's ability to do what he says is reliant on them.
The proposed American Rescue Plan hasn't even been approved by congress yet - they couldn't start work on drafting the bill before he was sworn in, but *they* are the next step to your money.
Yes, that exact congress (senate may be 50/50 but Dems are in control and Harris has the tie-breaking vote), because they couldn't start work on this until Biden officially took office. https://t.co/6WK71PtjNl
You can issue an EO for an ACTION, but the stimulus plan is ... a PLAN. There are multiple parts to it in addition to the payment that all go together. It has to actually be WRITTEN. We've all read about how the house had to add this, change that for the previous plans. https://t.co/AuW3TIHrrR
The President does not write plans and bills. Congress does. https://t.co/AuW3TIHrrR
Also more than half the EO's Trump signed were bullshit, bc the man didn't have the patience, tolerance or comprehension to actually read through anything. He just wanted to sign shit.
They were the equivalent of giving a cat a ball of string.
Let me fix what I was about to tweet: the new congressional term may have started Jan 6th, but the new administration started last Wednesday at 12:01pm. Congress wouldn't work on legislature for the 46th administration while still in the 45th administration. So no, they couldn't https://t.co/5ZheiFqTw8
Biden could not just walk in on Wed afternoon and say "Here y'all. We wrote the plan. Just pas it." That's not how congress works, y'all.
This is also a valid point https://t.co/4dDMytmVG8
A simple explanation re: executive orders vs the need for congress to draft legislation. Like I mentioned Biden issued an EO for outstanding payments from the Dec bill that was passed. https://t.co/JDxsbP2ZFh
So just real quick because the separation of powers was blurred like shit during the Trump administration and I think this will be crucial to keep in mind during the first 100 days:
The President has an agenda/priorities, but only congress drafts actual law.
And we actually shouldn't want a POTUS to lean on congress the way Trump did; it defeats the strength of "checks and balances" ppl like to talk about.

Then, there's the stark difference between how House and Senate operate.
The snapshot: house moves more quickly than senate (as we've seen), and the house is designed for it's members to be closest representation of the ppl (like an AOC), which is why their terms are every 2 years vs Senate's 6 years.
The senate, though, is full of power plays bc they can jam things up indefinitely (as we've also seen). It's the epitome of all the worst things we think of when we think "playing politics"
But ultimately, the President needs congress to be on their side in order to actually fulfill an agenda that goes beyond undoing existing legislature (which is most of what Trump did in the beginning of his term), which is what jammed 44 up so badly.
If you read this whole thread and your takeaway is that I'm carrying water for Biden, then I got nothing. Not liking Biden is your prerogative & I get it; conflating legislative process with lies and false promises is something different. https://t.co/qIu7UR8t96
Because some ppl seem to think my remarks about congress needing to draft and pass the next stimulus plan extend to Biden waiting for Congress to do *anything* (bc why read what I actually *said*?) here are the EO's 46 has signed, day by day, so far:
Lemme add this to make sure folks see it, plus emphasize again that we just got a Secretary of the Treasury LAST NIGHT. https://t.co/l1yHbuiWlU
Aight y'all. I gotta get off twitter for a few hours bc I feel asleep on my couch at like 10pm and I'm behind on two deadlines (that I was supposed to be working on the last 2 hours instead of talking about congress).

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