So we have been doing a family holiday project for a few years...

2015 Mattatall Gingerbread Project: it all began with a grade 8 math project

#Gingerbread #popculture #FamilyOfNerds #StarWars

2016 Mattatall Gingerbread Project: the house teen was obsessed with a film about flesh wounds

#Gingerbread #popculture #FamilyOfNerds #MontyPython
2017 Mattatall Gingerbread Project: we were all obsessed with a little Duffer Brothers sci-fi horror series

#Gingerbread #popculture #FamilyOfNerds #Upsidedown
2018 Mattatall Gingerbread Project: house teen wanted to explore moments in rock history (my favourite so far so deserves two tweets!)

#Gingerbread #popculture #FamilyOfNerds #ClassicRock 🤟🏻🎸
2019 Mattatall Gingerbread Project: we finished the theme appropriately on Festivus

#Gingerbread #popculture #FamilyOfNerds #ShowAboutNothing
... so you might wonder what we have been working on for 2020
Well, with the crap year that it has been we decided to do two Mattatall Gingerbread Projects!
2020 Mattatall Gingerbread Project (1): junior house tween chose hers to be her favourite show

#Gingerbread #popculture #FamilyOfNerds #EwDavid
2020 Mattatall Gingerbread Project (2): house teen and I have been working up to this and I think it will be our best!
Days of planning 🤓
So far we have the stage set and are putting the final touches on the cast... no clues, just photos (feel free to guess in gif form)
Set is ready... thankfully it didn’t require decoration as we have 25 characters to ice with 14 colours!

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Oh my Goodness!!!

I might have a panic attack due to excitement!!

Read this thread to the end...I just had an epiphany and my mind is blown. Actually, more than blown. More like OBLITERATED! This is the thing! This is the thing that will blow the entire thing out of the water!

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Review crumbs on the board re: 'gold'.

#SEALTeam6 Trump re-tweeted this.