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1/ I really enjoyed interviewing @xuenay about his writing strategy for bridging different perspectives. My writing has improved a ton from integrating this strategy!

So how does @xuenay do

2/ Like with all of these models, this is inspired by interview @xuenay but not necessarily endorsed by him. There's a necessary translation process that goes from his head to my head to paper!

3/Let's first talk about beliefs and motivations. What's his primary motivation to start this process?

For him, it's a process of seeing people disagree, and feeling a visceral sense of frustration at people talking post each other.

5/ For him, it's almost a proprioceptive sense of two different shapes. One person is saying circle, and the other is hearing square. It's really important to make these shapes match up!

6/ There are two underlying values here. The less salient one is wanting a sense of admiration from others. It's really nice to get praise for creating good explanations that unify two viewpoints.
This is my favorite HN thread in a long time, so (positively) surprised at the support in the comments:

Maintaining open-source is brutal, and feeling obligated to acknowledge, review, and respond to every attempt to contribute is a huge burden to carry.

When I saw this tweet from @dhh the other day I couldn't help but s/email/open source contribution/, but it makes me feel horribly guilty to suggest that anyone should feel anything but grateful for unsolicited free work from

But the reality is even though folks are generally trying to help by contributing, those contributions still cost the maintainer more than they cost the contributor, in terms of time to review, stress worrying about making time to review, and long term maintenance.

And unlike email where as long as you can convince yourself it's totally fair to not respond to unsolicited email it's okay, on GitHub there's a public counter signaling to the rest of the world that you are a poor steward of your project if you can't keep the number low.

And also unlike email, the only way to ignore something while also dismissing it from your "inbox" is to take an explicit action (closing the issue/PR) that sends a notification to the person, highlighting how rude you are if you don't craft a thoughtful reason for closing.
I find this a really interesting point because to me it seems demonstrably true but also symptomatic of why the West Ham board are never going to turn around their reputation without a sea change in their thinking. (Thread, mute as appropriate)

“Win more” is the footballing solution of taking a painkiller for toothache. The pain goes away for a bit but ultimately you still need a painful root canal. And West Ham have needed that for a long time. This current limited success is *despite* the Board, not because of them.

Lest we forget, Moyes did a fine job first time around and was let go so we could pursue a bigger name, waste tens of millions and undo his good work. They’re lucky he was still available and willing to work for them again. They don’t deserve him.

But winning is helpful because a lot of the time, fans struggle to articulate what needs changing. So if the team is doing well it’s easy for the media to say “You’re fourth - what more do these West Ham fans want!” and for fans not to have an easily digestible answer.

But we know that a losing streak will arrive, we’ll suffer some bad luck and some injuries and then it won’t seem so rosy. And at that point we’ll be accused of being fickle, when the reality is that the underlying problems have been present for the entirety of the GSB reign:
Hungover & bored, might do a thread of my favourite little known stories about The KLF/The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu

When they won at the Brits, their award later turned up buried near Stonehenge. They have a long standing interest in the place & K2 Plant Hire at one stage expressed interest in 'fixing it up', which would entail grinding all the stones down & making them into nice oblong blocks

which would then be replaced just as they were. K2 Plant Hire's feeling was that the place had been allowed to fall into disrepair & it was a great shame. Sadly the plan never materialised.

When they released their first record, 1987: WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?, its bizarre use of sampling technology was met with surprise & disbelief, not least by a London DJ named Tony Thorpe.
He said "I had to meet these guys because I couldn't believe how shit they were."

"I was sampling James Brown, they were sampling the fucking Beatles & Dave Brubeck."
Tony Thorpe became a key part of their arsenal, crafting the machine-tooled Stadium House that made them the best-selling singles band of 1992.

Just finished my morning ride and yoga and I’m going to use Mikes tweet to elaborate on not only his quote and topic but something I have found very dear to me. It’s something I do real time without even realizing it anymore. It’s second nature and it brings me happiness

For every person in trading happiness and greatness are two completely different things or could even be the same thing

One traders happiness could be executing with precision even if a red day and still walk away happy while others could be happy with “just being green.”

On this, greatness is different to every trader

To some it could be executing with precision or, like me, it could be that you find greatness and happiness in being able to look into your coach’s eyes or accountability parents eyes and say....

I did what was required of, when it was required, where and how it was required
I have no regrets. I executed my edge as seamlessly and flawlessly as I could

This is stress free trading. This is something I thank @FuturesTrader71 for. “We have no outcome on the market.”

If you’ve made it this far. Good. Now the “good parts”.

Something I have found myself doing over the ages as time goes on is “auto adjusting” my entry sizes, stops, and profits

Nobody ever taught me this. There are no oblivious statistical calculations or ratios for me...
A vitally important thread. Much isnt new, but is so in the air we breathe we forget how RECENT it is & therefore how unaccustomed we r to coping w/it. At the risk of hijacking her great observatns, theyre pivotal to points others have made re: Institutional Evangelicalism...1/12

1. The increased burden of sifting fact from fiction is one that only the economically privileged have the bandwidth to keep up with day-to-day, especially w/the SPEED of news generation we've seen in the last 6-10 years. This contributes to polarization & significantly... 2/12

... disadvantages blue collar America (on the left and the right) in an info economy, and is a massive catalyst for populist sentiments that make it exponentially harder for already-weak institutions to lead or swim against the tide (see Yuval Levin's "A Time to Build"). 3/12

2. I cannot agree more effusively with @sometimesalight's point re: social media & narrative. Social media platforms function as counterfeit institutions (social spaces that form identity via narrative, connection via shared purpose, & virtue via participation). 4/12

Prior to SocMed's ubiquity(approx. 2010), sifting/weighing primarily happened in traditional institutions (esp. churches) where perspectives tempered by wisdom, virtue, & relationship both evaluated & prioritized info. They served as both refuge & filter, solvent & catalyst. 5/12
This sounds insane and yet it's pretty much what happened.

If we're being extremely sober-minded about this, in a tight election there's always multiple causes and movements are caused by a complex interplay of factors etc etc.

But it's also true a far right tumor grew within gamer communities and

To me the big mystery of 2016 is always going to be how did Trump, who has no redeeming characteristics, get a perfectly normal number of votes? Why did multiple parts of our political immune system fail? A large part is that the GOP qua Party was weaker than we thought.

Gamergate and its spawn did a couple things to the immune system. It directly stressed it by creating a dangerous identity in a way it turns out it could not handle, and it revealed flaws that other bad actors took advantage of.

If you time-traveled and you eliminated Eron Gjoni before he hit "publish" would Donald Trump still be elected in 2016? I honestly don't think so, because it was such a close election. But the dominoes would still be in a place for a different trigger that could have happened.
I'm in therapy, which I've already overshared, and it's great. I recommend it highly. Today I want to share an insight that has helped me so much, and maybe it can help you too?

I used to feel apart from things, alienated. I couldn't enjoy beauty or family. I live in a staggeringly beautiful place, but I couldn't enjoy the view or lake or mountains, because I know climate change is destroying glaciers & ecosystems. 2/

Every day I had a hard time with my kid, putting on a brave face to get him to school and back, knowing every moment that I am somehow not doing enough to preserve his future. That he & his friends are being harmed, every day more, by our industrial and economic systems. 3/

What my therapist helped me understand is that I am right to have those feelings - it would be insane not to, given what I know about the state & direction of the world. But she also helped me understand that I was harming myself by putting myself apart from & above my world. 4/

In my previous worldview, I was apart from, in opposition to, my environment and my society. I saw myself as a lonely witness of devastation, howling helplessly and with little effect to try to change a disastrous trajectory, resentful of the ignorance & inaction of others. 5/