It's been a year (and then some), #YangGang.

My 2020 started in November of 2019. Brother-in-law just dropped dead out of the blue. Then another brother-in-law came down with terminal heart conditions (he's still kicking, believe it or not!). We spent nearly 50 days on the /

road and living out of our car. I wanted to go to Iowa. I planned to help the campaign. Life did not cooperate.

Iowa and New Hampshire were tough to watch through windows. Twitter, Discord, and Slack only delivered bad news for a few weeks, and what little political hope I had /
gained through 2019 turned to sadness and rage. I held hope for a Yang cabinet position, though, as that is just how political favors are paid ... and Yang clearly did Joe a favor, however small it may have seemed at the time.

Then 'Rona.

Trump politicized a damn virus. /
I will never know what went on in that twisted little brain of his, but suddenly, every lesson we learned since the great Spanish Flu pandemic was out the window "to own the libs." Freedom, or something. This is my personal "picture of the year." It motivated nearly everything /
that I did after that point. I began preparing for the fall of the USA in earnest at that point.

Like what?
- I deleted Facebook
- I distanced myself from toxic family members
- I became a crypto miner
- I moved to Hawaii

I still think we are in for dark times, but I am /
putting myself in a position to help as many people as I can through them (if possible). Hopefully, none of THOSE plans will be necessary.

And, finally, I would be remiss mentioning the year in review if I didn't bring up this little bit of drama. It would become a parallel /
for the election as a whole. The sheer refusal of millions of people to accept reality ... because a terrible man also refuses to publicly accept that reality and they believe anything he says. Even now, 2020 will spill into at least January 6th and probably January 20th. /
But all things end. The calendar pages will turn. Tomorrow will be a new year with new promises and new hopes (however faint). And one of the first things to happen will be us getting rid of Donald Trump for a bit. Vaccines are getting produced and distributed. Crypto is /
at or above all-time-highs. Andrew Yang is running for mayor of NYC. And hope, however faint the glimmers are from near and far away on the calendar, is at least visible for us once more.

Happy New Year, fam.

~ Holo

P.S. My New Year's resolutions may include a podcast ...

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