It’s always fun to guess what would happen next year, no matter how wrong we would be.

Below is my 2021 crystal ball – out there to be smashed :)

A thread to come.

1/ Theme 1: Bitcoin is still the King
2/ Breaking Theme 1 down into 5 things:

a) Bitcoin price hitting $100k
b) More momentum in developer sponsorship
c) Lightening getting beyond early adoption
d) Payment in bitcoin gaining more traction (Africa and LatAm)
e) More smart contracts built on top of bitcoin network
3/ Surprise Factor for Theme 1:

Will some small countries PUBLICLY load up bitcoin as part of their forex reserve?
4/ Theme 2:

Heightened focus on privacy continues to fuel DeFi growth
5/ Breaking down:

a) Reg tightening continues in western world
b) DeFi vs CBDCs (key word: censorship & nationalism)
c) Self-hosted wallet ecosystem starts to flourish
d) >5 out of top 10 tokens are DeFi tokens
e) Ethereum still dominates; 2-3 competing chains closing the gap
6/ Surprise Factor for Theme 2?

CBDCs never take off
7/ Theme 3:

More crypto M&As than IPOs in 2021, but native crypto projects are still more exciting
8/ Breaking this down:

a) With bitcoin more mainstream, comes the first crypto M&A wave
b) Finger-crossed for at least one crypto IPO that could further drive awareness
c) The heart (and future) of crypto community is still with decentralized crypto projects with native token

d) Investments more than double in crypto projects, driven by bitcoin bull + DeFi run + remote lifestyle post COVID
e) Shall we expect a NFT season in 2021? – Entertainment and social may start to see more scalable crypto use cases
10/ Surprise Factor for this theme

We know what Facebook is trying to do.

Would Twitter incubate a crypto project to DISRUPT ITSELF?

What do you see in 2021?🙃

More from For later read

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12 TRADING SETUPS which experts are using.

These setups I found from the following 4 accounts:

1. @Pathik_Trader
2. @sourabhsiso19
3. @ITRADE191
4. @DillikiBiili

Share for the benefit of everyone.

Here are the setups from @Pathik_Trader Sir first.

1. Open Drive (Intraday Setup explained)

Bactesting results of Open Drive

2. Two Price Action setups to get good long side trade for intraday.

1. PDC Acts as Support
2. PDH Acts as

Example of PDC/PDH Setup given
Margatha Natarajar murthi - Uthirakosamangai temple near Ramanathapuram,TN
Unique Natarajar made of emerlad is abt 6 feet tall.
It is always covered with sandal paste.Only on Thriuvadhirai Star in month Margazhi-Nataraja can be worshipped without sandal paste.

After removing the sandal paste,day long rituals & various abhishekam will be day Maragatha Nataraja sannandhi will be closed after anointing the murthi with fresh sandal paste.Maragatha Natarajar is covered with sandal paste throughout the year

as Emerald has scientific property of its molecules getting disturbed when exposed to light/water/sound.This is an ancient Shiva temple considered to be 3000 years old -believed to be where Bhagwan Shiva gave Veda gyaana to Parvati Devi.This temple has some stunning sculptures.