This is the ball-less-ness and spinelessness that has completely festered across our great land through years of complex information warfare campaigns.

The Preamble to the US Constitution is WE THE PEOPLE, it is a list of things the state CANNOT do.

But "public safety"

is determined by whom? We the people? Well that can't be accurate. Generally those recommendations come from the UN, the WHO, the CDC. Those bodies are funded internationally often from United States tax dollars; however, not with representation of the people.
So public safety rules are by definition the exact same concept that caused the American Revolution from the Boston Tea Party. There was British Royal Crown taxation on tea, despite the fact the royal crown had no claim to the new American colonies labor land or resources.
Public safety rules are being imposed by unelected, unaccountable new middle class. There is an ultra elite now that runs the worlds money supply, big pharma, big food, defense contracts, and money laundering operations, and then you have
The new middle class of deep state swamp protection that makes up Communist Party adherence and other useful idiots who are rewarded for believing all the propaganda and being the enforcers. The final class is everyone else. The people the plandemic was created for, the people
that the #bioweapon #vaccine was created for. All the talk we've heard about Universal Basic Income was not because the ultra rich elites love everyone and want to take care of them, they want dependence on the farm prior to slaughter.
UBI would require the Federal government to borrow untold trillions from Zionist bankers to give away with while nothing productive is created in this country and the wealth is exfiltrated to other nations. This is the future designed for us by public safety. This is the
future planned by the monopoly men who have been itching for depopulation since WWII and got caught. You can hear it in the Zeitgeist today. Think of how common it is to hear people accept the idea that mass sterilization is a good thing. That the population needs
to be managed, that if "we" (when really that means 'they') need to manage the population because it's getting so "out of control" with our food supply with fossil fuels with our environmental damage, etc. but who is pushing this messaging?
The food supply is a problem? Says who? Bill Gates? The guy who has his wealth tied up in GMO food companies and are creating national security issues for countries around the world by having seeds that can't be regrown?
Fossil fuels are a problem? Is that from the Rothschilds who originally amassed their wealth from the oil industry and now they are losing their dominance on the monopoly they would like to regulate competition out of existence?
And environmental damage? Who is damaging the environment? Isn't the legal structure of a corporation preventing individuals from being personally responsible for the damages they cause to land and other externalities? All of these things are globalist created problems, yet
We hear we need "global solutions" we need "public health" we need "less dangerous freedom"

It's time to #FightBack
It's time a new American Revolution
It's time for a new Boston Tea Party where we realize the people making these public safety rules do not represent
#wethepeople or our interests. The sooner we realize that social distancing is social conditioning to prevent us from decentralizing and creating our own economies outside of the existing monopoly structure the more powerful we will become. We have the tools. It's on us to do it.

More from For later read

1. The death of Silicon Valley, a thread

How did Silicon Valley die? It was killed by the internet. I will explain.

Yesterday, my friend IRL asked me "Where are good old days when techies were

2. In the "good old days" Silicon Valley was about understanding technology. Silicon, to be precise. These were people who had to understand quantum mechanics, who had to build the near-miraculous devices that we now take for granted, and they had to work

3. Now, I love libertarians, and I share much of their political philosophy. But you have to be socially naive to believe that it has a chance in a real society. In those days, Silicon Valley was not a real society. It was populated by people who understood quantum mechanics

4. Then came the microcomputer revolution. It was created by people who understood how to build computers. One borderline case was Steve Jobs. People claimed that Jobs was surrounded by a "reality distortion field" - that's how good he was at understanding people, not things

5. Still, the heroes of Silicon Valley were the engineers. The people who knew how to build things. Steve Jobs, for all his understanding of people, also had quite a good understanding of technology. He had a libertarian vibe, and so did Silicon Valley

#Cardano “Understanding Kamali”

#Cardano will be the underpinning of the emergence of Africa.

To grasp the full weight of the SOLUTIONS #Cardano can provide it is pertinent to read “Understanding Africa” as I will draw directly from the PROBLEMS laid out.


Here is a link if you have not already read


What I will attempt to do here, is to create an immersive world for you to be placed in to grasp the weight and size of problems from the ground level and then take a grass-roots approach at solving them using #Cardano and its technology.


As an investor and community member of #Cardano, this should be extremely important to you as you have a stake (pun intended) in this.

“You are paid in direct proportion to the difficulty of the problems you solve” - @elonmusk


In Africa, agribusiness, more than any other sector, has the potential to reduce poverty and drive economic growth. Agriculture accounts for nearly half of the continent’s gross domestic product and employs 60 percent of the labor force.

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