In the end, it is all a natural consequence of a very human foible, namely that we all do everything we can to blame anybody or anything else for our problems, if we can get away with it. It's the reason why rulers start wars to squelch domestic dissent - macro and micro the same

@jeffreyatucker The very notion of the germ theory of disease revolves around this and while it is good for selling medical interventions, treatments and pharmaceuticals, it is no good for either personal health, or public health in any way. We need to start looking at health on a holistic level
@jeffreyatucker More of a systems approach to health would get us to see that the whole instinct to stamp out viruses, like the very counter-factual notion of "zero Covid," and other nonsense, are driven by this need to blame somebody or something else for our problems, so we can have our cake
@jeffreyatucker and eat it too, i.e. we can pass the blame to others and go and kill them, be they bugs or other people (lockdowns???). The results are disastrous for health on both a personal and a public level, and we continue on a path of assured self-destruction. But times are changing, now.
@jeffreyatucker Lifestyle Medicine @aclifemed provides the new paradigm, more of a systems approach to health, in which personal responsibility for our habits comes first, starting with nutrition. Immune systems become depressed by fatigue, stress, inner conflict, malnutrition and so on. Change
@jeffreyatucker @ACLifeMed starts within. As Jung put it, illness is natures way of offering us the opportunity to heal. What we do instead is suppress the symptoms so we avoid the need of taking responsibility for our health, and as long as we continue our self-destructive behaviors we will have a bigger
@jeffreyatucker @ACLifeMed problem later. Vaccines are obvious in a case like tetanus, where 9 out of 10 die without it, and a rusty nail or a dog bite is not a rare event, but a flu bug with a 99.95% recovery rate is not an application for a virus, but the pharma industry cannot pass up a dollar, so they
@jeffreyatucker @ACLifeMed are happy to comply and make the vaccines - with a get-out-of-jail free card, and offtake from the public till, in short the financial cost of the vaccination and its consequential damages are passed back to the balance sheet of the insane asylum where the inmates are happy with
@jeffreyatucker @ACLifeMed the opportunity to once again avoid the need to take responsibility. Even if the vaccine worked and had no side effects, this outcome is disastrous for we are now not changing the behaviors that caused the immune systems to be depressed. So the next time we are guaranteed to have
@jeffreyatucker @ACLifeMed an even bigger problem as our immune systems will be even weaker then. In general, we know that a Whole Foods, Plant-Based diet can prevent or reverse all of the comorbidities for Covid (and most other viruses), see Nutrition Studies @TColinCampbellF but even more so now, we know
@jeffreyatucker @ACLifeMed @TColinCampbellF that with #WFPB nutrition we also raise the T-cell count and the levels of antibodies In short, these are powerful nutritional clues, but nobody is talking about them for we are defending the rights of people to eat at Mickey D's. They vote too.
@jeffreyatucker @ACLifeMed @TColinCampbellF Now politics complicates this disastrous cycle even further, for politicians make careers off of fighting off imaginary enemies, with taxpayer money, ergo, the lockdowns work because they satisfy the need to believe that the enemy is external. Same goes for masks and vaccines.
@jeffreyatucker @ACLifeMed @TColinCampbellF So, when you put it all together, what is going on the madness of crowds at this particular time revolves around making sure that the problem is never solved, since without the belief in an external enemy, we would have to take responsibility for our own health and we do not want
@jeffreyatucker @ACLifeMed @TColinCampbellF that. All at the same time this Covid lesson also provides important insight into all the reasons why we are a failed state by reason of the legal drug business (pharmaceuticals), or what else would you call spending 20% of GDP on healthcare twice what others spend, and being #37
@jeffreyatucker @ACLifeMed @TColinCampbellF in the order of global health outcomes. The Global Burden of Disease studies have long since shown that diet is the single biggest health treat our healthcare system is the second. Tinkering with drug prices or even #M4A will not solve the problem.
@jeffreyatucker @ACLifeMed @TColinCampbellF The real problem is the failure to understand what health even is. Health is not freedom from disease. Health is about the resilience to adequately deal with disease, including realizing that a depressed immune system needs to be addressed systemically at a lifestyle level.
@jeffreyatucker @ACLifeMed @TColinCampbellF Symptom suppression leads directly to never ending escalation, for the herd is getting sicker and more vulnerable if it does not change its habits at the first signs of distress, but instead is allowed to continue its self-destructive behaviors without paying the price.
@jeffreyatucker @ACLifeMed @TColinCampbellF Healthcare worthy of the name would be based on lifestyle medicine, which can roughly eliminate 86% of current healthcare spending, and you then get a systems approach in which lifestyle modifications prevent or reverse all the "comorbidities," and where necessary can be
@jeffreyatucker @ACLifeMed @TColinCampbellF Supported by drugs or other forms of treatment. But just blindly spending more and more money on medical solutions, when the problem is lifestyle in the first place will never end, and we will go from spending 20% of GDP to spending 50% of GDP on "healthcare" that gives no health
@jeffreyatucker @ACLifeMed @TColinCampbellF In short, the time as arrived for Lifestyle Medicine @ACLifeMed as a more holistic, systemic approach to health both on a public and personal level, but the political will is not there, for Biden and Trump both fed into the nonsensical belief that vaccines were going to save us.
@jeffreyatucker @ACLifeMed @TColinCampbellF The influence of Anthony Fauci was possibly the most destructive of all, for he neglect of exisiting protocols, like Ivermectin and HCQ, and the Zelenko Protocol, in favor of new drugs and experimental vaccines, which has cost thousands of lives, but it plays well on TV?
@jeffreyatucker @ACLifeMed @TColinCampbellF I agree that Tony Fauci is a lot more photogenic than Dr. Zev Zelenko, but that does not make it right. TV serials are just a distraction. Meanwhile the destruction of the economy will be with us for a long time. Read @gbdeclaration once more, maybe? Cancel lockdowns maybe?
@jeffreyatucker @ACLifeMed @TColinCampbellF @gbdeclaration @threadreaderapp unroll

More from For later read

Ester Ranzen/ Childline/BBC/Saville/Mandelson 👀👇


2. (Let's This Party Started) Keith Vaz and Ester Ranzen.


4. Esther Rantzen is quizzed about Jimmy Savile - 2012
There is some valuable analysis in this report, but on the defense front this report is deeply flawed. There are other sections of value in report but, candidly, I don't think it helps us think through critical question of Taiwan defense issues in clear & well-grounded way. 1/

Normally as it might seem churlish to be so critical, but @cfr is so high-profile & the co-authors so distinguished I think it’s key to be clear. If not, people - including in Beijing - could get the wrong idea & this report could do real harm if influential on defense issues. 2/

BLUF: The defense discussion in this report does not engage at the depth needed to add to this critical debate. Accordingly conclusions in report are ill-founded - & in key parts harmful/misleading, esp that US shldnt be prepared defend Taiwan directly (alongside own efforts). 3/

The root of the problem is that report doesn't engage w the real debate on TWN defense issues or, frankly, the facts as knowable in public. Perhaps the most direct proof of this: The citations. There is nothing in the citations to @DeptofDefense China Military Power Report...4/

Nor to vast majority of leading informed sources on this like Ochmanek, the @RANDCorporation Scorecard, @CNAS, etc. This is esp salient b/c co-authors by their own admission have v little insight into contemporary military issues. & both last served in govt in Bush 43. 5/

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