Some people have decided that Wings is against independence, because they don't like what he is now saying. I decided to find out for myself. The first thing that bothered me re SNP was what happened in AS trial.
I hadn't followed the trial at the time.

@JohnCoy29071630 As time went on I saw more and more posts re the un-fairness of the trial. These were from people I had followed for years. I didn't read Wings much at that time.
Everything was going smoothly for the SNP until these posts started appearing. I began to question what was going on?
@JohnCoy29071630 This seemed a big conspiratory at first, until I found out that some complainers were in a Watsapp group with someone who worked in the ScotGov, close to NS. This raised the hair on my neck, considering they were not supposed to know each other due to them being anonymous.
@JohnCoy29071630 I began looking at the links and paperwork that were being tweeted by ppl I followed for years. I didn't like what I was seeing and reading. The ScotGov appeared to be blocking the publication of Alex Salmond's trial paperwork. I had always thought of SNP as open & transparent!
@JohnCoy29071630 I was shocked by what I was seeing. I was seeing leaked documents, etc. When I started questioning this on twitter, people were posting more links to different documents. I was now getting all different links from different people. I started reading as much as I could.
@JohnCoy29071630 The more questions I asked, the more links I got. Some of the links took me to the Wings site. I also began reading indy bloggers site that I had been given links to. My information was from all different sources, again, these sources all had links.
@JohnCoy29071630 I was shocked to read quite a few people involved in AS trial worked in the Scot Gov and in a close circle with NS. I was aware he was her mentor for 30 years and could not believe she would be involved.
@JohnCoy29071630 I was shocked when just after trial finished (acquitting AS of all charges) the anonymous ladies kept coming out with comments and still accusing AS. These anon complainers seemed to mainly be working in the Scot Govt.
@JohnCoy29071630 I wouldn't understand why NS was allowing this to continue when AS had been through court & acquitted. I had read paperwork where complainers evidence was disbelieved and proven as wrong by other witness statements. I was now beginning to question the FM motives.
@JohnCoy29071630 When she extended her permanent Secretarys contract, I was totally shocked. This was the woman who had been involved in this sorry mess from start to finish. She had given the job of "investigating officer" to a woman who was already in contact with the complainers. This should..
@JohnCoy29071630 have been investigated by someone "not already involved in the case". I began to distrust the FM and those around her. Things were being covered up and this shattered my "open & transparent" trust in NS.
@JohnCoy29071630 I was already getting fed up with the ScotGov as they seemed to keep putting independence on the back burner. I heard the FM saying a while back everything would be put on the back burner until all the effects of covid and the economy were dealt with and I thought.......
@JohnCoy29071630 that could take many years! I wondered why she didn't hand over an indy campaign, over the last 6 years, to others in the SNP. This wasn't a 1 woman SNP, delegate and get things moving. We have now had 21 indy polls for yes in a row. I think she will keep postponing.....
@JohnCoy29071630 I hope I am wrong.There are many other issues.The Trans issue is a problem for women. I agree they need support and inclusion, but not at the expense of the safety of abused women who need safe spaces. The changing of words ie woman and all that goes with it is becoming silly now
@JohnCoy29071630 The blocking of Joanna Cherry (who is a strong independence supporter) to stand in Edinburgh - because she disagrees with some of the recent ScotGov policies sickened and angered me. Who would not want a QC working for our countries independence?
@JohnCoy29071630 The Hate Crime Bill (HCB) drawn up by Humza Yousef is shocking. In his support for some groups, he changes policy on other groups. It is getting to the stage if you disagree or challenge you can be charged with a hate crime! Many are complaining about this policy.
@JohnCoy29071630 People are now being allowed to self ID as disabled, due to recent SNP policy making BAME & Disabled people the first groups to go on the list voting papers. Disabled people have enough problems without people IDing themselves as disabled to be top of list.
@JohnCoy29071630 There are many more things going on. I can no longer recognise this SNP as the party I supported. It appears to have put independence on the back burner whilst all these other things appear more important.
@JohnCoy29071630 As for Wings, he, like me, has seen all these things and much more. I firmly believe he still supports independence (as I do) - just not under the current leadership. His posts are about the ScotGov and their underhand tactics. Because people don't like what he is saying.....
@JohnCoy29071630 They are calling him a yoon. I see him as thoroughly investigating the ScotGov and posting what he finds.
Sorry about all these posts, but you did ask lol!

More from For later read

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