Top Hypertrophy Exercises for Every Muscle Group (thread):

This will include both isolation and compound movements, as well training all sections of a given muscle

This is a massive thread. Bookmark this and save it for reference later


the upper trapezius is best trained with SHRUGS.

DB or Cable shrugs. Super heavy shrugs are largely waste of time, youd be better off deadlifting

The upper traps are attached to the CLAVICLES & scapula, not shoulders, raise clavicles high as possible on every rep
John Meadows has best advice on shrugs

Use DBs
Pause at top
Moderate weight, moderate reps 8-15 range
Middle and Lower Traps:

For mid traps, best compound is seated row with overhand pronated grip

recommend 8-12 rep range for these

John Meadows shows a version with independent handles
If you want to target lower traps directly, the Y-raise is the best exercise

Long lever arm means weight will always be light, best done for 10-15 reps

Anterior Delts get worked during ANY kind of Horizontal chest pressing

Best compound exercise to train them is reverse Grip DB Press

@MarcLobliner has a good video demonstrating these

6-12 range for reps
For medial + anterior delts:

Shoulder pressing obviously, you want to press in the plane of scaption, not elbows straight out to sides

High Incline DB Press or Seated Smith machine Press works great

More stability=Greater muscular force output
Front Delt Isolation:

Front raise works best, lot of ways to do this, plate, cables, DBs

Go slow and maximize muscular tension, momentum reps are pointless
Medial Delts: Lateral Raises

Many people notice better results from lateral raises than they do from shoulder pressing

Same principle: slow reps, maximum mechanical tension

Take your sets to positive failure

Cables and cuffs work excellent
Posterior Deltoids:

Posterior delts get trained during ANY kind of horizontal row, but they can be targeted directly

Machine Rear delt fly works well, best done for higher reps 15-20 rep range

bent Over DB raises also work

Best movement that hits all 3 divisions of pectoral muscle is Decline DB press

Flat DB Press also works about as well

6-12 rep range
Lot of debate over targeting "upper pecs". Upper pec exercises typically work front delts way more than they do upper pectorals

reverse grip DB press works upper pecs very well (posted a few posts up)

Incline Cable fly is best for isolation

Best strategy for arms is High intensity training, SLOW reps, reach positive failure

Or High reps, also to positive failure

"heavy arm training"=bicep or tricep tear, not worth it

Biceps are most braindead simple muscle to work, do supinated curls
DBs, or cable, EZ bar works as well

Everyone with "Stubborn" biceps eventually learns that slower is better

-Forearms, you do hammer curls. Same principle as biceps.

There are no secret bicep or forearm exercises
Triceps comprise about 2/3rd of upper arm mass

Classical cable pushdowns do work all 3 heads, if your triceps cant grow from those, blame your genetics

Lying DB Tricep extensions are 10/10 exercise as well, do not ever do less than 10 reps though
Dips work triceps very well, compound exercise that also works chest and shoulders though

If you are very strong on dips, you will have some level of respectable tricep development

Once you can do high rep bw dips, do them weighted 6-10 rep range
Some people advocate training only long head of tricep

Tricep long head gets trained during any pressing exercises, whether its necessary to isolate them is debatable

I prefer stable movements, better force output

JM Press is great exercise for this
Back Muscles

Lats are the biggest one, primary muscle to grow for size, width

Best compound movement is neutral grip pullups, or pulldowns, Single arm rows also work, from overhead position

Dorian demonstrates using hammer strength pulldown
Braced 1-arm cable rows have become popular, these work fantastic, very joint friendly
If doing 1-arm DB rows, do NOT do them half kneeling on bench, very awkward, possibility for injury

Brace body, do them with more upright torso
Rhomboids are not superficially visible , and already get trained during any horizontal row, no need for special exercises for them

Back muscles are immensely powerful, I recommend 6-10 rep ranges, contract them HARD against meaningful loads

Easiest muscles to train. The rectus abdominus and obliques all perform the same action, flexion of the spine and shortening distance between ribcage and pelvis

Impossible to isolate "lower abs" its all the same muscle

basic crunches suffice
Now we get to Legs, lets start with


Gluteus Maximus muscles, hip extension is major function

For isolation, glute extension machine is best, very uncommon machine though, but use it if you have one available
Best compound movement is reverse lunge

Very athletic exercise, builds hamstrings as well

Lunges work well in 8-20 rep range. Low rep range get ugly fast, dont compromise form for weight
Glute Bridge is very popular, but I never like because of how awkward it is to setup, but many people love it, definitely get results doing it
Other good glute exercises are 45 degree reverse hyperextension, glute dominant squat, Horizontal leg press, and step ups

Lower body muscles I like moderate to high reps, 10-20 range

If you want to go heavier you can, do what suits your goals
Quadriceps: Very easy muscle to train, only need 1 or 2 good exercises

Leg extensions are best isolation exercise, sheer force is nonsense,

10-20 reps, these 100% build mass and strength, dont believe the unfounded criticism
Compound movements, a quad dominant squat, with heels elevated

You WANT knees to shift forward, increase knee flexion

High bar, heels elevated, looks like this
VMO squats like Ben Patrick advocates are great quad exercises

Ben shows a few versions here

Seated leg curl is best isolation exercise, puts hamstrings in stretched position

Lying leg curl also works.

Nordic leg curl can be done, very challenging though, worth doing if an athlete
Nordics have become very popular,

Good video on how to start doing them

-GHR I dont consider a great exercise, machine is massive, very cumbersome. Not necessary to do, and doesnt even work glutes at all

Only two ways to train calves

Standing Calf raises,

Seated Calf raises. These emphasizes Soleus, very good for achilles rehab

No Calf secrets. 8-12 reps, train them consistently, progressive overload applies
I will do longer and more in depth series on every muscle group and accompanying exercises on Substack starting next week

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