How To Have An Amazing First Meeting (thread).

Learning how to hold amazing first meetings with prospective clients is the single most important "sales" skill a real financial planner can learn.

Here's what I've noticed is important.

Start with getting your head straight.

All the tips and tricks in the world are just hacks without the right mindset.

There are 3 shifts to make:
Mindset 1:

Desperate ---> Confident

No one wants to work with a desperate advisor. The purpose of a great first meeting is for the prospect AND YOU to decide if it's a good fit.

Believe that and it will change the way you think, feel, and act.
Mindset 2:

Salesperson ---> Doctor

I love sales...but the purpose of the first meeting is NOT SALES. It's understanding. You CANNOT write a prescription before you diagnose.
Mindset 3:

Numbers ---> Feelings

You might think you're in the spreadsheet and calculator business, and maybe you are...but you're also in the feelings business.

People need to be heard in the first meeting. Make room for that. Plan on it. Create it.
Everything in the first meeting needs to be viewed through the lens of those 3 mindsets.

Make those shifts.

Write them on a sticky note to remind you. If you find yourself lacking confidence repeat them like a mantra.

Now for The 7 Principles of a first meeting.
Principle 1: Give prospects permission to relax.

They've come to talk about money, and they expect you to steal it from them (because #theindustry). Give them the opposite experience. Empathetic. Understanding.

Everything about the experience should allow people to relax.
Principle 2: Clarify where are you going.

Provide a roadmap, agenda, signposts, or map. Let them know the process. People like to know there won't be surprises or a bait and switch.
Principle 3: Be human.

This should come natural (get it?) but we forget sometimes because we're so focused on some agenda. So focused on "closing" that we forget to be open.

Be nice. Ask questions. Treat people like you would like to be treated.
Principle 4: Learn to listen

I know, I already know how to listen. Can I be direct?


Almost none of us do. It's a skill. It's so rare that I bet you can't remember the last time you felt like someone was truly listening.
Principle 5: Go deeper.

The first answer is never the THING. The THING is deeper. The first meeting is a non-destinational exploration. Follow the clues. Ask follow-up questions. Be curious.
Principle 6: Engage the 55/5 rule.

In a one-hour meeting see if you can be talking for 5 minutes. Guess who is talking for the other 55 minutes...? That right, the hero of this story...the POTENTIAL CLIENT.
Principle 7: Record and learn.

We have all had the experience of watching a movie the 2nd time and noticing super important stuff we missed the first time.

Ask for permission and then record your first meeting. Then review it. Painful but powerful lessons will result.
I have intentionally left out specific tips or tricks.

If you know the principles you can figure the rest out.

Need questions to ask: google it.

What an agenda looks like: guess.


The people need you!

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