I watched #Shazam last night (somehow) for the first time, and of the DC films I've seen, it's my favorite by a mile! To be fair I still haven't seen Aquaman or Birds of Prey, but my guess is that Shazam will still be my favorite when I do. My (probably) luke warm takes, below 1/

I thought I'd like it but I didn't know I'd like it as much as i did. Setting it in Philly endears it to me even more! I adore Philadelphia, so when movies are set there it probably makes me like them a little more than I otherwise would. That's just a thing for me. 2/
I also feel this movie made me believe that regular people in this world love the other DC heroes, specifically Supes and Batman. It just felt like a given in this story when they were brought up. Like "yeah of course heroes exist here!" It was part of the fabric of this world 3/
In my own headcanon, until it's contradicted, this film takes place in an area of the multiverse seperate from the other films. One where things are a little less grim and Supes isnt at all conflicted about being Supes, Batman isn't a murderer, WW is I guess the same, idk. 4/
After I finished it I couldn't help but wonder what a DCEU would look like if this had been the 1st movie in the series. If DC wanted to start their world with the idea that all the big heroes already exist, this would have been a perfect way to introduce that concept! 5/
I'm totally riffing here, and maybe this isn't a fresh take, but imo, due to the iconic nature of the DC heroes this would have worked as the 1st film in the DCEU with very minor tweaks needed, if any. For me it perfectly sets the stage for other films set in this world. 6/
If it had been, you could have more convincingly gone from this right into a Justice League film where the premise was Billy getting an invite to be on the JL! Through his eyes we could have met every other big hero and gotten an idea for who they were. 7/
After that, we could have gone into the first WW movie and built out from there. Do a Superman, or a Batman film after that. Or maybe do Flash, or Aquaman. You could tell any of their stories because we would already have gotten introduced to them in JL! 8/
Shazam 2 could intro Black Adam, and then we could have gotten the Black Adam film after that! Again, I'm totally riffing here and I know it'll never happen at this point, but I couldn't help imagining what could've been. I can see it working really well. 9/
I never would have guessed it, but Shazam could've been the perfect way to start the DCEU if you wanted to just drop the audience into a fully formed world where the heroes and the JL already exist. I hope others see what I mean. So yeah, if you haven't, watch #Shazam! 10/
Also feel free to keep this going in the comments if you want. I'd like to know peoples thoughts on this and if you see what I mean about how that movie could've kicked off the DCEU.

And also, Happy New Year! 🙂 11/

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