The Final Destination (also known as Final Destination 4) is a 2009 3-D supernatural horror film written by Eric Bress and directed by David R. Ellis, both of whom also worked on Final Destination 2.

Released on August 28, 2009, it is the fourth installment to the Final Destinationfranchise, and the first of which to be shot in HD 3-D.
The Final Destination is rated R by the MPAA for strong violent/gruesome accidents.
Eight years after the explosion of Flight 180, seven years after the Route 23 pileup and three years after Devil's Flight derailment, college student Nick O'Bannon has a premonition of a car crash while watching a race at McKinley Speedway for a study break.
which sends debris into the audience, crushing some spectators and resulting in the stadium partially collapsing, killing almost everyone present in the 180 section.
In a panic Nick convinces his girlfriend Lori Milligan, and friends Hunt Wynorski and Janet Cunningham to leave, with the quartet being followed by a handful of others who become angry with Nick after he pushes past them to escape.
A security guard named George Lanter intervenes when everyone begins to argue outside, just as the catastrophe Nick had foreseen occurs.
Minutes later, a flying tire comes out and obliterates Nadia Monroy.
After a memorial service at McKinley Speedway, Carter Daniels, attempts to burn a cross on George's front lawn but his plan backfires, he is set on fire and violently dragged down the street by his own tow truck.
he is then blown apart by it with his blown off head lands right next to George who goes to see what is happening.The next day Samantha Lane is killed when a lawn mower rides over a rock, thrown in its path by her sons which is then shot right through her eye.
Before their deaths, Nick had seen omensof clues how they would die.
Hearing about Carter and Samantha's deaths on the news, Nick and Lori begin doing research, and learn about the disasters that occurred in theprevious films (The Collapse of the North Bay Bridge, The Explosion of Flight 180, The Highway Pile-up of Route 23, and The Rollercoaster.
Derailment of Devil's Flight) and discover that the survivors (Sam Lawton, Alex Browning, Kimberly Corman, Wendy Christensen) who were saved by premonitions began dying in a series of improbable accidents shortly afterwards.
While Hunt and Janet refuse to believe them, Nick and Lori manage to convinc
e George that Death is after them and the trio begin trying to warn the other remaining survivors.
Nick, Lori, and George head over to Grandstate Customs to warn Andy Kewzer that he is next to die. Andy fails to believe, but moments later he is struck by an oxygen tank, and diced into a metal grid fence.
After Andy's death, Nick goes to save Hunt, while Lori and George go to save Janet. They are successful in saving Janet from a malfunctioning car wash, but Nick is too late to save Hunt when his organs are sucked out of his anus by a pool drain.
Weeks later, Nick notices a loose pylon outside of their hangout and warns the workers about it before meeting Lori and Janet inside. Moments later he deduces that the mall disaster vision was merely a red herring meant to lead them to where they needed to be for Death to strike.
At that moment, the pylon collapses, causing a truck to swerve and crash into the restaurant.
As the final scene turns into a x-ray, Janet is shown to have been crushed under the tires while Lori's neck is snapped, decapitating her, and Nick is thrown into a wall, bashing his skull and jaw, sending one of his teeth flying into the camera before the credits begin to roll.
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Oh my Goodness!!!

I might have a panic attack due to excitement!!

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Who ELSE is alive that may have faked their death/gone into witness protection?

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Ivor Cummins has been wrong (or lying) almost entirely throughout this pandemic and got paid handsomly for it.

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... other sources who have been trying to shine on light on this grifter (as I have tried to do, time and again:

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19 to 80 is an over 300% difference.


Example #2 - "Yes, I'm comparing the Noridcs / No, you cannot compare the Nordics."

I wonder why...

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