You may have landed here via a billboard in your community

The goal of this project is to bring Bitcoin awareness to those who can benefit most - avg citizens, not Wall St

Follow to learn about #Bitcoin and why it's better than endless money printing and stimulus check hopes

There are a dozen billboards - one in every Federal Reserve bank city and each w/ a unique message

These banks exist to “provide stable monetary policy and a safe and flexible financial system,” but it’s not working

The billboard art and messages will explain why
While waiting for photos of the billboards to surface, let’s talk about what exactly is Bitcoin (BTC)

Maybe you heard about it in the news recently b/c the price has gone up. You might feel late to the game, but you’re not

It’s early and Bitcoin is here to stay
One of the most interesting things about it is that it can’t go away

It’s decentralized, meaning no person or government can control it. That’s a good thing because money is used to control people

You can send BTC to someone (peer-to-peer) w/out needing permission or a bank
When you send or receive BTC, a decentralized network of computers (nodes) works together to confirm the transaction is legit
If so, it is added to the bitcoin blockchain - basically a public record of all the transactions

Everyone can see the transactions

And everyone in the world is free to use this new form of money
Everyone can also see the code that makes up Bitcoin

Included in this code is a cap on the number of bitcoin that will ever be created

21 million. That’s it. And it’s a game changer
Bitcoin’s creator who goes by Satoshi Nakamoto recognized that printing money endlessly gave governments too much control and hurt those not in power

Satoshi made an alternative w/ no leader that gave power back to the people. And then Satoshi left…never to be heard from again
Over the next few weeks, the billboards will be used to discuss why a money free from central control that can’t be printed at will is better for society

Also how to buy/earn bitcoin and what to do with it once you have it

Join along…a new era is upon us

More from Crypto

Michael Pettis @michaelxpettis argues that it is not always obvious who (China or the U.S.) adjusts best to "turbulent changes."
Bitcoin answers that question.

World economies currently suffer four major redistribution challenges:
The most important is increasing government stealth use of the monetary system to confiscate assets from productive actors.

That process is exacerbated by "Cantillon Effect" transfers to interest groups close to government ("the entitled class," public sector workers, the medical industrial complex, academia, etc....), which is destroying much of that wealth /3

The shadow nature (see Keynes) of government inflation makes the process unidentifiable, un-addressable and undemocratic.
The biggest victims (America's poorly educated young) are unequipped to counter generational confiscation tactics of today's wily senior beneficiaries. /4

Government control of the numéraire in key economic statistics (GDP, inflation, etc...) makes it impossible for economic actors to measure progress and liabilities. /5
Out of curiosity I dug into how NFT's actually reference the media you're "buying" and my eyebrows are now orbiting the moon

Short version:

The NFT token you bought either points to a URL on the internet, or an IPFS hash. In most circumstances it references an IPFS gateway on the internet run by the startup you bought the NFT from.

Oh, and that URL is not the media. That URL is a JSON metadata file

Here's an example. This artwork is by Beeple and sold via Nifty:

The NFT token is for this JSON file hosted directly on Nifty's servers:

THAT file refers to the actual media you just "bought". Which in this case is hosted via a @cloudinary CDN, served by Nifty's servers again.

So if Nifty goes bust, your token is now worthless. It refers to nothing. This can't be changed.

"But you said some use IPFS!"

Let's look at the $65m Beeple, sold by Christies. Fancy.

That NFT token refers directly to an IPFS hash ( We can take that IPFS hash and fetch the JSON metadata using a public gateway:

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