This is incredibly sad and disturbing.

Two women were killed last night by this man.

He was released last month after a burglary arrest.


According to the article he has a record of:
+ 2 counts of voluntary manslaughter
+ possession of a stolen vehicle
+ leaving the scene of an accident
+ burglary
+ driving while under the influence of alcohol and drugs

There is a question as to who is responsible here, beyond the suspect.

Apparently he was released on 12/23 for another crime.

There is an algorithm which makes suggestions, which judges and the DA office use as inputs.

Here is our DA's response:

It is my impression that the balance of justice is off-kilter in SF right now.

Feels like career criminals can act with virtually no consequences, until someone gets killed.

The "broken windows" theory is feeling truer and truer to me.

"The broken windows theory is a criminological theory that states that visible signs of crime, anti-social behavior, and civil disorder create an urban environment that encourages further crime and disorder, including serious crimes" (6/x)
Our streets are filled with broken glass and our sidewalks are covered with garbage.

Store windows are boarded up and almost nobody is out now after dark.

I want to live in a city where couples stroll at night, hand in hand, feeling safe and enjoying the stars... (7/x)
I believe we as a city can have that again.

But we need to be tough on crime.

When people steal, destroy property, drive inebriated, and sell drugs they should not be awarded the same freedoms as law-abiding citizens.

They need to be either a) reformed or b) detained.
My heart goes out to the wrongfully convicted, and criminals serving overly long sentences. We need to improve our criminal justice system.

But -- I'm sickened by the loss of life that occurred last night.

That man should have been in jail.

When criminals are released again and again with tickets and "stay away" orders, a certain tone is set.

The tone is that crime is tolerated here.

We need a standard of behavior, and a social contract.

When that contract is broken there should be punishments.

The social contract of SF is in trouble.

If we want to inspire giving back, community engagement, philanthropy... we need civic pride.

To feel civic pride we first need to feel safe.

To feel safe, our systems and laws must feel just. (11/x)
What happened last night wasn't just.

It was the opposite.

It was wrong, it was tragic, and it was avoidable.

I am hopeful that we do a serious post-mortem on this case, and reevaluate our approach to repeat offenders.

This should never happen again.


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