"The leaked email communication from an executive of #Stratfor says that, as Deputy National Security Advisor in 2010 to #Obama, #Brennan and the White House were determined to:

'go after anyone printing materials negative to the Obama agenda.'"

"#Stratfor has been dubbed the 'Shadow #CIA.'”

"In an email written by #Stratfor President #FredBurton to work colleagues, Burton wrote on November 21, 2010:

'#Brennan is behind the #witchhunts of investigative journalists learning information from inside the beltway sources...'"

"[#JohnBrennan] Was to Be Subject of Exposé by Rolling Stone Reporter #MichaelHastings Before Hastings Mysteriously Killed in Crash"

"Speculation became rampant that the #CIA had something to do with [#MichaelHastings’] death."

"Brennan was well-known as being one of the prime movers and shapers of what has become known as the Executive Branch 'Disposition Matrix,' a list of alleged terrorists targets instituted by the Obama administration who are slated for summary execution..."
"The final selection of #targets has become a weekly ritual at the White House which became known as 'Terror Tuesdays.'”

"#Brennan runs a policy so #secret that it is impossible for outsiders to judge whether it complies with the laws of war or U.S. values — or even determine the total number of people killed.”

"#MichaelHastings’ death was investigated in-depth by San Diego 6 reporter Kim Dvorak, who labeled the death 'suspicious.'”




"'It was all a massive conflict of interest, and it was all a bit weird,' a former employee said. 'I believe the Chinese thought we were working for the #CIA.'"

"[#JohnBrennan]: 'We put together a #FusionCenter at #CIA that brought #NSA and #FBI officers together with #CIA to make sure that those proverbial dots would be connected.”

5 out of 16 DEAD.
2+, almost killed
1 impeached
2 threatened w/extradition
1 in exile
1 media outlet branded "Russian agent"
1 capitulated to DNC, now parrots phony Russiagate speech, despite being a victim of it.
3+ smeared & careers harmed.


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Ok so there’s a conspiracy theory going around that this woman was faking her injury with an onion.

This is likely false. Onions are a folk remedy for pepper spray.

The theory, which has some merit, is that since onions make you cry, it helps flush the irritants from your eyes with natural tears.

However, this is not recommended as a treatment for pepper spray and is ultimately not very effective.

Pepper spray, tear gas, mace, CN, HC, and other agents are best removed with a flush of water or, if you have the proper mixture, saline. Nothing else.

We do not do chemistry in our eyeballs. We are not putting chemicals in our eyes. We are not putting produce in our eyes. We are removing the chemicals with safe, neutral water.

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