Why FMCG is life - A Thread

From morning to night

Brushing - Colgate
10 Yr CAGR- 14%

Coffee - Nescafé - Nestle
Last 10 Yr CAGR - 17%

Bath - Lifebuoy / Lux - HUL (You wont stop having a bath)
10 Yr CAGR - 24%

Breakfast - Breads - Britannia
10 Yr CAGR - 34%

Continued ....

Footwear- Bata Shoes (You wont stop wearing shoes even after 10 yrs)
10 Yr CAGR -24%

Relaxo- 10 Yr CAGR - 51%

Watches -Titan (Been a customer of Titan for last 8 yrs)
10 Yr CAGR - 24%

Refrigerator - Whirlpool
10 Yr CAGR - 27%

Air Condition - Voltas
10 Yr CAGR - 20%

Hair Oil - Parachute - Marico
Last 10 Yr CAGR - 21%

Chawanprash - Dabur - Boost Immunity
Last 10 Yr CAGR - 18%

Always Invest in companies you have been using for last 10 years and will be using for another 10 years.

8 out of 10 times you will be right 😎

Happy Investing 😎😎

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Department List of UCAS-China PROFESSORs for ANSO, CSC and UCAS (fully or partial) Scholarship Acceptance
1) UCAS School of physical sciences Professor
2) UCAS School of mathematical sciences Professor

3) UCAS School of nuclear sciences and technology
4) UCAS School of astronomy and space sciences
5) UCAS School of engineering

6) Geotechnical Engineering Teaching and Research Office
7) Multi-scale Mechanics Teaching and Research Section
😎 Microgravity Science Teaching and Research

9) High temperature gas dynamics teaching and research section
10) Department of Biomechanics and Medical Engineering
11) Ocean Engineering Teaching and Research

12) Department of Dynamics and Advanced Manufacturing
13) Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering Teaching and Research Office
14) Power Machinery and Engineering Teaching and Research