Lately, I have been very disturbed with the whole #climatecrisis. Every day some new naturally unnatural calamity looms over our head.
The ice caps are turning in cold rocks and I end up in a rabbit hole feeling helpless.

It just sucks to imagine a #future where the only way people can enjoy nature as you and I did via #hiking etc is to read blogs and watch videos.
That sucks on so many levels.
And when I think about the reasons for this situation. I can't seem to go any further but to pin it on #consumption.
Not just fashion or lifestyle consumption. But any damn product.
From the smallest sewing pin to the giant #spaceships.
Because let's get real. Everything is one or the other form of a natural resource. Even synthetic product like plastic needs cellulose, coal etc. And so far, the only legit source of natural resources is digging deep into the Earth.
So you dig up these resources and turn them into the products we consume. The shirts, jeans, bike, laptop, phone etc. Everything is made from nature. Along the way creating jobs and the so-called development.
But how good is this #development?
Moreover is this #Sustainable?
Turns out the answer is a resounding 'NO'.
Observing the trend of #earth #overshoot day over the past few years, it is evident that the doom is not very far if we don't change ways.
To make things worse and personal, the Earth Overshoot day fell on my birthday this year.
Which simply means that the entire human population has consumed all the natural resources meant to last till December 31st by the time I woke up on the morning of 22nd August. Freaking 4 months short of an entire year.
But Inju, wasn't everyone locked inside their homes this year due to #covid19 and as a result, shouldn't the consumption be lesser?
That's what I thought until I remembered a fact from my 8th-grade textbook.
The natural resources take millions of years to replenish themselves. So one year of less usage isn't going to cut it. I don't even know how many years we need to cut it down to give some breathing space for Earth to replenish the resources.

And the only way out seemed to be to stop consumption completely. But how can we survive if we stop consuming the resources completely?
Wouldn't it be deadly for the species Sapiens of Genus Homo? It would be fatal.
So how do we solve this?
It's a battle between the survival of an entire species and the destruction of the habitat (which btw houses every other species that live with and around us).
Turns out the endless trips into the rabbit hole weren't useless.
I realized that the answer lies in the problem itself. i.e Consumption. Or more broadly the transactions.
The transaction of extracting raw material from earth to the transaction of me walking up to a store and buying something.
So, I have been thinking, what would a future look like if every transaction an individual makes is a vote towards sustainability.
Buy eco-friendly clothes.
Buy eco-friendly household items.
Ride an electric bike, and having worked at @atherenergy, the future is already here
But even then I think it would only solve half the problem.
The above factors might reduce the demand on natural resources but it won't be zero.
The second half of the problem is #recyling #reuse. Essentially moving towards a #circulareconomy
I imagine a future where the life of ANY product isn't limited to its initial form or utility. By #recyling #upcycling #reusing, you can extend the life of the product further thereby reducing the need to extract natural resources to make new products.
When every transaction is green. When every transaction is a vote for a sustainable future and when every product's life extends way beyond its initial form and utility, that's when we should take a break in this fight.
So if you are someone who is working in the #circulareconomy space or knows someone who does. Hit me up! Let's get this baby fly high.

@ankitkr0 @NVallangi @shivya @CircularEClub @Circular_Eco @RecykalTech @circleeconomy

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At the moment, POTUS is sitting on a stack of Trump cards that he's just waiting to unleash...a royal flush!

@John_F_Kennnedy @Pamelal33566076 @GeorgePapa19 @whitebunny @atvguy @stormis_us

He has court cases that will go to the Supreme Court and thanks to the Texas case, he's now aware how to file them properly... under article 3 not 2...

so the SCOTUS will be forced to listen.....He now has the DNI report. Barr stepped down and can now be a witness.....he did his job. Durham is special counsel and can prosecute, in any state....

He’s letting civil, criminal, and federal courts fail to handle the situation he can use military tribunals. He has ALL the data from the NSA, the Kraken supercomputer, the Alice supercomputer and likely many more computers, unknown to us....

He has the dueling electors from 7 state legislatures. He has VP Pence, as the final arbiter of which ballots to accept.. the NDAA, the national emergency, the 14th amendment, the 2018 executive order, the 2017 very first EO, the Patriot Act, the FISA warrants,

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