Richard Nixon was President in 1969, having won the election of 1968 over Hubert Humphrey by only a half million votes out of 73 million cast. He won by .7%. But since Humphrey was part of the democratic party platform in support of the Vietnam war, neither party was against it.

This is why there were riots against both parties' conventions in 1968. As now, the entire country was against the war, but both parties were nonetheless for it. The press, being run by the CIA, was of course for the war, so what the people thought didn't really matter.
The press wasn't there to follow opinion, but to create it. Nixon and Humphrey had seen what had happened to [Republican contender] George Romney—Mitt Romney's dad—when he came out against the war. The press had crucified him.
After that, all of the candidates kept quiet about the war, although it was topic number one in 1968, or should have been.
Nixon took office in January of 1969. Hoover was head of the FBI then, as he had been since its founding in
1935. Both Nixon and Hoover hated the hippies with a passion and wished to destroy them. This is now part of
the public record, and we know it from declassified documents.
Mainly this was due to the anti-war stance of the new generation. War was a big business and the hippies couldn't be allowed to get in the way of it. It is
known that the FBI created an entire mission around in filtrating and discrediting the anti-war movement.
See COINTELPRO, which is not a conspiracy theory. It is declassified, is common knowledge, and you can even
read about it at Wikipedia by taking that last link. It ran in the 1960s, peaking in the late 60s and ending in 1971
(we are falsely assured).
The FBI was not just spying under COINTELPRO. Its stated goal, according to Hoover, was “to expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize” any anti-war group, including hippies, socialists, the civil right movement, the NAACP, AIM and the National Lawyers Guild.
The CIA had its own version of COINTELPRO, called CHAOS. Again, this is not a conspiracy theory, it is now admitted by the CIA. It is known that CHAOS was started by Johnson in 1967 and then expanded by Nixon in
It was directed by Richard Helms and run by the notorious James Jesus Angleton. Nixon also linked COINTELPRO and CHAOS. It went into its tightest security mode in July of 1969, the month before the Tate murders. The fake War on Drugs was used for the same purpose at the same time
Seymour Hersh “blew the whistle” on CHAOS in a 1974 New York Times article. Since the NYT is controlled by the CIA, we must assume this was mainly damage control: the admission of lesser crimes to cover larger ones.
One of the larger ones remaining hidden until now is the control of the Tate murders. If Hersh really knew anything about CHAOS, he would have known of its premier operation, successful beyond all imagining. But Hersh's articles never once mention the Tate murders.
This is why I say his articles were misdirection. They hinted at many things, but gave you nothing concrete. The hints all pushed you toward smaller things, which acted as further cover for the big things like the Tate operation.
Note the quote from Hoover: “Misdirect, discredit or otherwise neutralize.” Why have so few ever asked if the alleged Tate murders might have been just another instance of discrediting the hippies, and thereby the anti-war protesters?
As we look back, we can see that no other event so discredited and neutralized the hippie movement as the Tate murders. Due to the awful press Charles Manson and his followers gave to the hippies, the movement was dead by early 1970.
The entire anti-war movement was dealt a crushing blow by the Tate murders, since the press used it to marginalize not only the hippies, but all protesters and “malcontents.”
This was a well-bought success for the government, since they were able to spin the Vietnam war out for five more years, spending countless billions more and enriching the already rich via Pentagon contracts.
The Vietnam war didn't end until 8 months after Nixon's resignation in 1974. What day did Nixon resign? August 9, 1974, exactly five years to the day after the alleged Tate murders.
It seems very convenient for Nixon, Reagan, Hoover and the Pentagon that the perfect crime should happen at the perfect time.
It seems very convenient that the first so-called “cult killings” known in Modern culture should occur as if on cue from the CIA, just in time to stop the rising peace movement.
What a coincidence that the hippies would choose to go insane at just that moment, six days before Woodstock, murdering a beautiful blonde female, the perfect victim in any tragedy, still pregnant with a child (the other perfect victim).
What a coincidence that they should write anti-government slogans on the wall, like “Death to Pigs”. What a coincidence that their leader should be the perfect patsy—a serial jailbird who had asked to be sent back to jail.
That's right. Manson didn't want to be released from jail in 1967. Tom Snyder even admitted that on TV in 1981. How convenient that the government set up someone who wanted to be set up, sending a man back to jail for life who wanted to go back to jail.
Let me put it this way: if the FBI were looking for someone to be a patsy, they could not have found someone better than Manson. He had a wild-eyed look, played the guitar and sang like the hippies, wore his hair long, was a lifetime criminal, and wanted to go back to jail.
How convenient. What we will see is that Manson was actually working for the FBI and CIA all along. He wasn't set up. He was another actor, a willing patsy, playing the part he had been hired to play. He was actually the most brilliant actor of all of them.
Manson was just one more actor, because all the top parts were played by actors. We already know that. Sharon Tate was an actor. Her career started in 1965 with the movie Eye of the Devil, a movie about devil worship and sacrificial murders, where Sharon plays a witch.
More recently she had played a vampire in the Fearless Vampire Killers; then she played a slut in the Valley of the Dolls, one who has an abortion, becomes a soft-core porn actress and then kills herself with downers; then she had a bit part in Rosemary's Baby.
Curious how all these films have to do with babies, blood, and death. In the Manson murders, she was just continuing a trend. You might say she was typecast. The same can be said for Roman Polanski.
Roman Polanski was the director of Fearless Vampire Killers and Rosemary's Baby, and he was one of the leads in the former, becoming a vampire at the end. If the FBI had been looking for someone to direct a Satanic slasher film, they could not have found a more perfect candidate.
Does no one but me find that to be a big red flag? The murder takes place in the home of a director of Satanic murder films, and actors are murdered? No one thought that was suspicious?
In 1963, Polanski directed an episode for a Dutch movie entitled. . . The Best Swindles in the World. The alleged Tate murders rank very high in that category.
Jay Sebring—one of the other alleged victims—was also an actor. He was better known for his hair salons for men, but in 1969 he was an actor. He had a part in a Batman episode that year. He had been in the underground film Mondo Hollywood.
He was also a friend of producer Bill Dozier, and they together started the career of Bruce Lee, who was an actor. Sebring had been in the navy for four years, according to his bio.
This fact may be important, since Sebring's military contacts were about to come in useful to him. It is also possible he was still working for naval intelligence ONI in 1969.
Also curious that Sebring's business did not fail with his alleged death, despite the fact that he had not sold it or made any plans for its continuation. Among the famous salon clients of Sebring were Frank Sinatra and Jim Morrison.
That is supposed to be Sebring's next of kin, his nephew Anthony DiMaria. Looks a lot like an actor, doesn't he? That's because he is. Look him up at IMDB. He has no age posted on the internet and his acting career didn't start until the 1990s.
He also didn't get involved with the parole hearings until the 1990s, which is strange.

Curious. More actors involved. They don't seem to be trying very hard to create a believable story.
Dennis Hopper planted this information, or disinformation. Notice that Hopper even admits the information was planted on him by the LA police. Was Hopper the mouthpiece of the LA police, and if so, why? Can't the police do their own press conferences?
This is your red flag for Dennis Hopper. That and the fact that Hopper admits his father was in Intelligence. Like father like son
But back to the claims of Satanic activity. This is a common ploy used by the CIA and FBI, to lead investigators into dark alleys. Long ago I learned that anytime I am being led into Satanism, Crowley, LaVey, and similar channels, I should know that the CIA is trying to divert me
It isn't Satanists that are running these events, it is most often military intelligence. But the black agencies use Satanism to cover their tracks. For most researchers, Satanism is a sexier road than the road to G-men, and they willingly take it.
Rule number one in researching false flag events: ignore all links that lead to Satanism. Those are sucker links, put there on purpose by the CIA writers. As one example, let us dispense with the “Satanic” Process Church without further ado.
The only thing you need to know about the Process Church is that in 1966 the leaders of the cult, the DeGrimstons, secured a large property on the Yucatan peninsula. Guess where? Mérida. It is now known that Mérida is the CIA's home away from home, sort of a Mexican Langley.
Newer books on Manson or the Process Church now scrub that reference, telling you the hangout of the DeGrimstons was the scarier sounding town of Xtul. But Xtul wasn't and isn't a town. It is just a makeshift CIA ranch on the outskirts of Mérida.
As proof of that, I send you to documents leaked by Edward Snowden and Glenn Greenwald, concerning psychology gambits used by secret government agencies to control and steer opinion on the internet. One of the documents they leaked was this one:
Notice how it says near the top “magic.” It is in the category “anthropology,” and that category also includes “deception.” It is near the categories of “psychology” and “influence.”
This is not the magic of the ancient wizards or even of The Golden Bough. This is modern magic of the rabbit-in-a-hat sort. It is deception with no spiritual component. It is like a mystery in which the real perpetrator has been hidden from you permanently.
We know from Operation Gladio that all the European secret services are linked to the US secret service, and they often work together. The Process Church came out of Mayfair, London, so we may assume it is MI6. The MI6 has been using the Crowley/Satanism cover since the 1890s.
The fake DeGrimstons are just actors from the theatrical division of MI6. Whenever the secret services need to create cover, they send in people like this. They work all over the world, and one secret service is happy to borrow actors/agents from another secret service.
The biggest red flag in this whole charade is that Sharon's father Paul Tate was a colonel in army intelligence. That rank is just under general. They don't tell us exactly in what capacity he served, of course, but they do admit he served for 23 years, ending in 1969.
So he started in 1946. Interestingly, that is when army intelligence was split into various departments, including the CIA. Yes, the CIA started in 1947.
In 1959, the Tates moved to Verona, Italy, where Paul Tate was stationed at Passalacqua, the headquarters for SETAF (Southern European Task Force). This links him to Operation Gladio.
General Maletti—commander of Italian military intelligence at the time of the Tate murders—later testified in court that the CIA had been involved in many false flag operations in Italy and Europe, including murders and bombings,
This was done “for the purpose of creating an Italian nationalism that was capable of halting what it saw as a slide to the left.” Sound familiar?
Maletti added, “Don't forget that Nixon was in charge and Nixon was a strange man, a very intelligent politician but a man of rather unorthodox initiatives.”
Nixon was in charge in 1969, but Operation Gladio had been instituted by Allen Dulles much earlier, and it was financed in large part by the US, through the CIA, which Dulles led under Eisenhower and Kennedy (1953 to late 1961).
The Operation kicked into high gear in the late 50's to counter growing “leftist” movements. That is why Paul Tate was in Verona in 1959 with his family. Paul Tate was not just military, he was a colonel in intelligence, which indicates he was involved in Gladio.
One of these Gladio false flags was the Piazza Fontana bombing of 1969, just a few months after the alleged Tate murders. The bombing was initially attributed to anarchists, but it later came they were the work of the CIA, in league with other European intelligence agencies.
This indicates that Sharon Tate's own father was capable of organizing false flag events, and knew others who could help with whatever needed to be done, including faking deaths and pinning them on leftists.
You may think of the Tate murders as just one more Gladio false flag operation against the left. Yes, the Manson murders were an instance of Gladio moving to the US.
How did that happen, exactly? Well, it happened in 1962 when Paul Tate was transferred from Italy to Fort MacArthur in San Pedro, just south of Torrance and about 20 miles south of Hollywood.
It appears that military intelligence may have seen some use for Paul Tate's pretty daughter, and they sent the family back to Los Angeles to put the plan in motion.
We assume he was transferred to MacArthur, since that was the base in San Pedro, but although the Tate family may have lived in San Pedro, Paul Tate was more likely assigned to Lookout Mountain base in Laurel Canyon about 25 miles away, which was still secret at the time.
Either that or he transferred over there once the operation solidified a few years later. During an interview with Merv Griffin in 1966, Sharon says that her father was stationed in Vietnam at the time. That is possible, but it is more likely to be a cover story.
At any rate, they would need him back in Los Angeles by 1967 or 1968, to work on the great Tate event. As soon as Manson was released in 1967, they must have already begun setting the stage.
Paul Tate dressed up like a hippie after his daughter's alleged murder, allegedly to try to discover who murdered her. But that fact is commonly passed over or misread. It should be a huge red flag.
We have an admission that military intelligence had a colonel dressed up as a hippie right after the murders, attempting to infiltrate them. That fact is spun to make us think that Paul Tate was there in his own capacity, as a private citizen.
But if he was really retired at that point and working as a private citizen, he was breaking the law. Private citizens are not allowed to work in law enforcement, and after the alleged murders, any involvement in the investigation was considered law enforcement.
Any private investigators have to be licensed. Of course the truth is much worse than that, since we should make some attempt to read this fact without the spin. Paul Tate wasn't just acting as some sort of vigilante father. He was doing his job. He wasn't retired.
He is said to have died in 2005 at age 82 , which would have made him just 46 in 1969. Colonels don't normally retire at 46, since they are only one promotion away from brigadier general. It is far more likely that he didn't start dressing up as a hippie after the murders.
He only got caught dressing up as a hippie after the murders. Someone recognized him, that is, and the CIA had to come up with a cover story to explain it. But he had probably been undercover for months, as part of the operation.
It is likely he was the one running the whole thing from the hippie side, wearing a beard and tie-dyes. How has everyone managed to miss that?
If you don't believe an Intelligence colonel would dress up as a hippie and try to in filtrate the movement, try reading the book Acid Dreams, where we find this:
And it wasn't just FBI, it was also CIA. It wasn't in Virginia for no reason. Langley was just up the road. Nor is the book Acid Dreams a fringe publication. It is a respected book widely referenced by the mainstream.
For more strange links, take a look at this: Wayne Mall, who dated Sharon's sister Debra, had a motorcycle accident 1 year after the murders. But more interesting is what we learn about Paul Tate. In 1971 Tate was opening Tate Gallery for Men's Hair Design in Rolling Hills. What?
Rolling Hills is just west of San Pedro, near Long Beach. It is also just north of the old military base Fort MacArthur. So we have a clear link between Paul Tate and Jay Sebring. How long had Paul Tate been interested in hair design?
Or, more to the point, how long had the CIA been involved in hair design for men? Was Tate's new salon going to be a cover for intelligence, and if so, had Sebring's salon been a cover for intelligence all along?
This gives us more indication that Sebring was involved in naval intelligence. Sebring, Paul Tate, Susan Atkins, and Charles Watson all had ties to hair salons.
Paul Tate, master of disguise. He had been disguised with long hair and a beard after the murders. But at the funeral, all that is gone. He wants to look as different as possible: to fool you, any real hippies he may be framing, and any future clients of his hair salon.
Take note of this picture, of Paul Tate in navy uniform. So he would originally have been navy intelligence, not army intelligence. Why does that matter? Because Jay Sebring was also navy. They may have both come into intelligence from navy.
Paul Tate, Jay Sebring, Roman Polanski, and Charles Manson. They were all very short men. Paul Tate was only about 5'5”. Jay Sebring was also around 5'5”. Roman Polanski is even shorter, being about 5'3”. Charles Manson is also about 5'3”. Why would this matter?
Well, if Paul Tate was in control of this operation, he may have recruited people that were also short. No one likes to give orders to someone towering over him. I suspect one of the qualities they liked best about Manson is that he was extremely short.
This made it slightly more difficult to build him up into a scary monster, but they easily got around it. I asked some people recently how tall they thought Manson was, and they all said about six feet. It is amazing what you can do with the press.
Paul Tate promoted Sharon from early on. She appeared on the cover of Stars and Stripes magazine in the early 60s, astride a US Army missile. Stars and Stripes is the military's own magazine, and it operates from inside the Pentagon. We're told he disapproved. Unlikely.
For more proof this was all a movie, we can ask, Where did the “Manson family” live? The SPAHN'S MOVIE RANCH! Hmmm. That's curious, wouldn't you say? The perpetrators were living on a movie set. We are told that Mr. Spahn allowed the Manson family to move in rent-free in 1968.
So nice of him. Then as now, old ranchers just love young hippies to hang around, smoking dope, shagging each other, and creating big piles of trash.
Also convenient for the government is that all the buildings and sets were destroyed by a fire in 1970, preventing anyone from doing any forensic work there. I would say the best guess is the CIA was paying Spahn to set up their patsies there.
As evidence for that, we find that in April of 1969, one of the lesser and younger (age 15) Manson girls, RuthAnn Morehouse, was arrested and placed in juvenile hall. She was released into the custody of George Spahn, who acted as a foster parent in the eyes of the court. What?
RuthAnn's father Dean was not dead, and Spahn was no relation. Nor was he fit to be a foster parent, being in his 80s and legally blind. He was not fit to be a foster parent, but he was fit (we suppose) to be her handler.
Someone simply arranged for her to be returned to the set, since she was one of the props. The only bodies that have any power over juvenile courts are federal agencies—either FBI or CIA or DIA. Everything to do with the Spahn Ranch stinks of a big federal operation.
By this time, the ranch had turned into a huge magnet for runaways and juvenile delinquents from all over the state, and the mainstream story admits that the LA police were well aware of it. And yet we are supposed to believe nothing was done?
Reagan sends in the National Guard to bust up college students making speeches and planting trees, but he and the LA police and the state police leave a huge hippie commune in the LA suburbs alone, even while it is allegedly making porn films, ....
.... acting as a nudist retreat, harboring underage girls, selling drugs, kidnapping schoolgirls, stealing cars, running motorcycle and dune buggy races, threatening neighbors, storing weapons, giving loud all-night parties, fraternizing with biker gangs and Satanists, and so on?
We are expected to believe that all these local agencies are going to not only turn a blind eye to the Spahn Ranch, but return an arrested 15-year-old girl to the premises, in the care of George Spahn?
Another curious thing about the Spahn Ranch is that the Transcontinental Development Corporation was buying up property all around the Ranch and wanted the Spahn Ranch as well.
But rather than sell the otherwise worthless property—which we are led to believe was subsisting on pony rides—Spahn preferred to keep the place as-is, a rent-free haven for ex-cons, junkies, and titty dancers.
Spahn's refusal to sell can only be explained once we realize he was getting extremely well paid by the feds to keep the place as a movie set, actors and agents haunt, and center of operations for Project CHAOS.
At any rate, we have already seen that the Manson family is known to have lived on a movie set. The crime scene was the home of a movie director famous for Satanic slasher movies. The prime victim was an actress. At least two secondary victims were actors.
The lead victim's father was a colonel in military intelligence. But no one ever thought to ask if this was a movie paid for by the government? How difficult is that question to ask?
But it gets stranger. Check out this suppressed photo of the famous three:

Tell me that doesn't look like a scene from a play. What actors' trunk did they pull those dresses from? They don't look like witches, hippies, or anything else.
They look like a CIA director's idea of “mod young girls.” Van Houten looks like she was dressed from the wardrobe of Star Trek. Even the police woman's wig looks like it came from an actors' trunk. Does that look like a real police woman's uniform? That is Hollywood issue.
But can you tell me why that photo above has been suppressed? More continuity problems:

Same day, same dresses, same hallway. That's where they're singing, remember? But before I show you the continuity problem, look at that police woman. Wow.
She's even better looking than Van Houten. Do you really think they were hiring police women right off the set of Bewitched? Is that Serena? C'mon. Who would believe this? But the continuity problem is with the badge. This police woman is wearing her badge on the right breast.
The police woman above, with the blonde wig, is wearing her badge on the left breast. If you think one of the photos is reversed, you are wrong. We can see the second police woman in the first picture as well, and we can see the badge on her right breast.
The jury saw that headline when Manson held up that paper in court. Still, no mistrial. The judge only asked the jurors if they had been influenced by the headline. They said they hadn't been influenced.
I guess Jesus Christ could have appeared in court in a burning bush, saying Manson was guilty, and still no mistrial. Each and every juror could have appeared on the Merv Griffin show and recited testimony, telling Merv how they felt about it.
But as long as they swore to the judge that they felt pure afterwards, no mistrial.
The judge allowed magazine articles from LIFE and other places to be entered as evidence, even though those articles had pre-judged Manson and the other defendants based on hearsay.
This article admits that the trials, which should have been somber at best, were actually filled with laughter. Those in the audience could see what a farce the whole thing was.
The mainstream story is that Manson was bedding all these young women daily, that he was a super-virulent woman pleaser, and that he impregnated hundreds, the truth is there were very few pregnancies among the Family and only one pregnancy can de finitely be traced to Manson.
This despite the fact we are told that no birth control was allowed. Obviously, these two stories don't add up. The Manson “Magical Mystery Tour Bus” wasn't a rolling orgy, it was a mobile CIA unit, complete with male and female disguised agents.
If you doubt that, remember what color all these hippies decided to paint this yellow schoolbus: BLACK, even the windows. Do you honestly think real hippies—who are lovers of sunshine and trees and scenery and fresh air—are going to paint the windows black?
No, that is a trick of the spooks. They always have to travel in black cars with tinted windows. But, as I said, these young girls were as safe in there as they would be at George Clooney's house.
Just across the valley near Sharon Tate's house is a large hill called Lookout Mountain. Until 1969 there was a secret Air Force facility on the mountain, called Lookout Mountain Air Force Station.
Guess what this facility specialized in? Take the Wiki link and you will see that they specialized in making movies.
The studio consisted of a complete stage, 2 screening rooms, a helicopter landing pad, a bomb shelter and 17 climate controlled film vaults as well as ....
....two underground parking garages. With the latest equipment the studio could process both 35 mm and 16 mm motion pictures as well as optical prints and still photographs. The studio contained staff from many prominent studios alongside its military staff.
Civilian personnel from Warner Brothers, Metro-Goldwyn Mayer and RKO Pictures worked at the studio in functions such as producers, cameramen and directors.
Peter G. Kuran worked at Lookout Mountain before going on to an award-winning career involving both directing and visual effects work. In some cases, Kuran has brought footage of atomic tests developed at Lookout Mountain directly to his later work.
“Visual effects work.” Interesting. Also take special note of that last studio. Remember that Joseph Kennedy owned RKO.
Lookout Mountain produced over 19,000 films, more than all Hollywood studios combined. Stars like John Ford, Jimmy Stewart, Howard Hawks, Ronald Reagan, Bing Crosby, Walt Disney and Marilyn Monroe were given clearance to work at the facility on undisclosed projects.
The facility wasn't admitted to exist until the 1990s, which tends to disprove the old saw that you can't keep anything that big secret. Almost no one knows of it even now.
I want to be sure you noticed that name above: Ronald Reagan. The man who had been an actor at Lookout Mountain was Governor of California in 1969. That isn't a coincidence.
In this sense, Lookout Mountain can be seen as the importation of Goebbels Propaganda Machine into the US. Except that Lookout Mountain was much more successful at remaining a secret.
This is not just a tenuous analogy, either, since at the same time Lookout Mountain was being built, the US was importing thousands of actual Nazis in what was called Operation Bloodstone.
Just as Operation Gladio had made use of former Nazis in the newer fight against Russian communism, the US was using “former” Nazis in the fight against communism domestically.
This was admitted by John Loftus in a 60 Minutes interview in 1982, and by the GAO (Government Accounting Office), which released a report to Congress in 1985 confirming it. This despite the fact that the CIA had stalled and misdirected the GAO from the beginning.
Two of the top Nazis brought to the US were Walter Becher and Baron von Bolschwing, which you can research if you want to continue on that line.
Lookout Mountain was used as a center of operation for the Tate events, and there was a direct line of sight from the station to the Tate's house, using a telescope.
That's the house on Cielo as seen from the front, looking at it from the east. The Tate house isn't quite on top of the hill, but almost. So from Lookout Mountain, this is basically what you would see. Notice there are no fences or hedges blocking the view.
Here is the hill as seen from the low road. You can see it is a quite conspicuous hill, visible from all the other hills around it. It is the perfect place to put someone you want to keep tabs on. You can see the cars coming and going without ever leaving your desk.
Did Lookout Mountain really close in 1969? Did the propaganda films stop? If they aren't in Laurel Canyon anymore, where did they go? After 1969 they didn't need Lookout Mountain anymore, but not because the propaganda was finished.
No, they didn't need that secret studio because they had completed the take-over of the mainstream studios by then. After 1970, there was no longer a split between “secret” propaganda films and the mainstream. They were one and the same.
What was initially limited to Laurel Canyon has since spread across all of LA. Military intelligence has engulfed the whole city, and the fake Tate event was the big final bite.
A large portion of mainstream movies since 1970 have been propaganda films of one sort or another, and even the ones that are made mostly for money are filled with propaganda as well. There is no longer any split between CIA and Hollywood.
Hollywood is basically a subdivision of the CIA and military intelligence. The entire entertainment industry is a vast subdivision of military intelligence, including music, TV, art, film, and a majority of the internet.
This is what the Matrix really is: not a dream induced by robot bugs, but a waking false reality created by uber-directors.
When the police raided the Spahn's Ranch on August 16 (one week after the Tate murders), they took a film crew along. Do the police normally take a film crew along on raids? No. Do they use search warrants with dates that are wrong by three days? No.
The search warrant used on August 16 was dated August 13, but since those being filmed were in on it, it didn't matter. Who was going to sue?
Although we are told that Manson was franticly preparing for the move out to the desert on August 17, he was conveniently on-hand for the round-up on the 16th, making most of the still pictures, dead-center, with the sign “Spahn's Movie Ranch” conveniently behind him in-shot.
Some of the officers appear to be definitely out of uniform in the photos of the raid, wearing an admixture of Marine Corps fatigues and regulation sheriff's-office clothing.

The police are wearing the same helmets, but different shirts, pants, and shoes
And here we have a guy in combat boots and paratrooper pants:
See how that guy has “Sheriff” sewn on the back of his shirt? The standard sheriff's office uniform didn't have that. Looks like CHiPs are there, too:
No one wanted to be left out of the movie! Despite finding stolen guns, stolen cars, stolen credit cards, piles of drugs, under-aged girls, and a hundred other things, everyone once again skated, supposedly for “lack of evidence.”
Manson was arrested at the same place again six days later for dope, fornication, and public nudity. Again he skated. It was too soon.
The authorities wanted to let the story build a bit longer, let Los Angeles stew in fake fear a few more weeks. The FBI apparently let the local police look useful, but they weren't willing to move the story into the next phase just yet.
Besides, the date of final capture was already set in the script: October 12, Aleister Crowley's birthday. That link would serve double duty in the story. One, it would lend the story a further element of the macabre. Two, it would cover the tracks of the spooks, as usual.
The secret services have been hiding behind Satanism since the late 19 th century, and Crowley's career was created specifically for that purpose. Crowley himself was secret service, and he showed those who came after how to use Satanism and the occult as successful misdirection.
Do you see a problem? Prisons don't allow beards like that. Beards used to have to be trimmed to ½ inch, but since 1998 they have been disallowed in California State Prisons.
Manson was in Vacaville and San Quentin, but transferred to Corcoran in 1989, a California State Prison. So, “was Manson really in prison at all?” Or did they just ask him to come in every couple of years so they can take his picture with a printed card?
Another obvious problem there. Do you see it? Compare the 1971 to the 2009 photo. Manson has had an ear tuck on his right ear. Do you really think the State of California paid for or allowed an ear tuck? State prisons pay for necessary health care, but not for vanity surgery.
How many interviews has Manson done since 1970? Twenty, thirty, more? Don't you think it is odd? Go to the very first, his 1972 interview on San Quentin death row, which is ridiculous from the first frame.
First we see Manson getting his dinner. Manson refuses his dinner and asks the server to give his steak to Mike next door. So they serve steak every night at San Quentin, I guess, and prisoners can request their meals be given to other prisoners? They expect us to believe this?
Then, when the interview starts, the interviewer just sticks his microphone up to the bars. Do you really think journalists and camera crews are allowed to interview and film death row inmates inside the cell block?
Of course not, which is why in future interviews they decided to bring Manson into an interview room of some sort, to make it look slightly more believable. The last thing Manson says in that first interview is, “I believe what I'm told to believe. Don't you?”
They were fucking with us even then. They don't feel compelled to make these interviews believable—since
they just assume the audience knows nothing about nothing—but they are quite willing to insert their own
private jokes. They laugh and ask you if enjoy being brainwashed.
Even after they moved the interview and camera crew into a private room in later films, the thing was still a farce, since level 1 prisoners like Manson are not allowed to talk to anyone except their attorneys, clergy, or law enforcement.
This is the common rule in all state prisons across the country, and has been for decades. Anytime you see an interview with a convicted mass murderer/torturer, you should ask how such an interview is possible
the 1988 Geraldo interview with Manson. This is Charles Manson, folks: supposedly one of the most dangerous men alive. This is the guy who lunged over the court tables and supposedly tried to get at his judge with a sharp pencil.
But here he is with Geraldo, and Manson has no handcuffs on, no security is near him, he is not wearing prison clothes, he is not shaved or shorn like a prisoner, and he is acting like he is in control of the script (which he may have been). He is ordering the cameramen around.
They simply do not let level I prisoners do interviews like this. If Manson were who we have been told he is, he could kill Geraldo with one punch to the throat or one jerk of his chin. Instead, we see Geraldo leaning in, his head less than a foot away from Manson.
They are literally knee to knee. No table is between them. Anyone who thinks this is a real interview with a mass murderer has done too many acid trips themselves.
The 1989 Penny Daniels interview is also a flying farce, since Manson comes in wearing a wide-collar hippie shirt, dark sunglasses, Converse sneakers, and a beard that is at least 3 inches long. He's also wearing his leather necklace. None of that is regulation prison attire.
Also, a gold pinky ring. Not allowed in jail
Who was Charles Manson really? If he wasn't the crazy ex-con we have been sold, who was he? Well, Sharon Tate's dad was a colonel in Military Intelligence. Turns out Charles Manson's real father was also a colonel, Colonel Walker Scott.
He had worked for the Baltimore and Ohio Railway, and was a member of the Elks Lodge. Manson's paternal grandmother's name was Gladys Kline. She also links us to the Fullers. Scott allegedly died at age 44 in Ashland, Kentucky.
The B&O Railway was at that time merged with the C&O Railway, under the control of Cyrus Eaton. Eaton was a protégé of John D. Rockefeller. He also likely had Intelligence connections, which we can see from his
foundation of the Pugwash Conferences in 1957.
These conferences on Sciences and World Affairs were put
together after the Russell-Einstein Manifesto of 1955, both of which sought solutions to global security threats,
including nuclear threats. In other words, it was all another propaganda project.
The Elks are a Masonic-type lodge, probably allied to the Freemasons. The only difference is they can have alcohol on premises. The Elks were started right after the Civil War, and I assume they are an Intelligence front.
Charles Lindbergh's real surname was Manson. His grandfather changed it when he came over from Sweden. So Lindy's real ancestral name was Charles Manson.
What is the French equivalent of Charles Manson? Charlemagne. No seriously, look it up. They have been laughing about that for decades, I assure you. Now you know the joke.

More from Goldstein (I don't consent)

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Still wondering about this 🤔

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I hate when I learn something new (to me) & stunning about the Jeff Epstein network (h/t MoodyKnowsNada.)

Where to begin?

So our new Secretary of State Anthony Blinken's stepfather, Samuel Pisar, was "longtime lawyer and confidant of...Robert Maxwell," Ghislaine Maxwell's Dad.

"Pisar was one of the last people to speak to Maxwell, by phone, probably an hour before the chairman of Mirror Group Newspapers fell off his luxury yacht the Lady Ghislaine on 5 November, 1991."

OK, so that's just a coincidence. Moving on, Anthony Blinken "attended the prestigious Dalton School in New York City"...wait, what?

Dalton School...Dalton School...rings a

Oh that's right.

The dad of the U.S. Attorney General under both George W. Bush & Donald Trump, William Barr, was headmaster of the Dalton School.

Donald Barr was also quite a

I'm not going to even mention that Blinken's stepdad Sam Pisar's name was in Epstein's "black book."

Lots of names in that book. I mean, for example, Cuomo, Trump, Clinton, Prince Andrew, Bill Cosby, Woody Allen - all in that book, and their reputations are spotless.