An off-duty police officer pulled his gun on a gas station patron he suspects of shoplifting. He pulled his gun with no hesitation. He didn't try & ask a question, just pulled a gun for taking something worth $5 & then when he was wrong just goes, my bad like it's no big deal.

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Thread🧵on modes of pathogen transmission. #monkeypox

Transmission is messy, and there is no single mode that pathogens employ to invade a body. Indeed, modes can change.

Plague provides a great example of this: it occurs in multiple forms, depending on transmission route. 1/13

All are caused by the bacterium Yersenia pestis

Bubonic plague occurs when infected fleas bite a person, or the bacteria enter through a break in the skin. Infection causes characteristic "buboes"

Preventative strategy would be flea and rat control. 2/13

Plague can become more widespread via the bloodstream, causing septicemic plague. This leads to black areas of necrosis in the body, hence the term, "Black Death."

As long as it doesn't get to the lungs, prevention is the same as previous - flea and rodent control. 3/13

However if the bacteria set up infection in the lungs, they can now exit the body via respiratory aerosols

This is now pneumonic plague, a highly contagious form of the disease, transmissible by air, with an incubation period of only 1-3 days & 100% fatal without treatment. 4/13

The infection control measures of flea and rodent control are ineffective against pneumonic plague -- isolation and treatment of cases, airborne precautions, and prophylactic treatment and monitoring of exposed individuals are needed. 5/13
Newest MPOX aerosol study: Contagious Monkeypox found in air up to 15 ft away from patient and as high 6ft in the air. #MonkeyPoxIsAirborneToo #MaskUp 😷✅👍 Healthcare Agencies protect your staff.Tell them it’s airborne. Don’t make the same mistake done w/Covid. #COVIDisAirborne

MPOX doesn’t appear 2 as contagious as Covid via/airborne spread.Messaging matters to the public. It’d B a shame if anyone w/Monkeypox patients only depended on hand sanitizer/gloves,like they mistakenly did w/Covid. #MonkeyPoxIsAirborneToo 😷👍✅

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