I know a lot of you have been back and forth or confused on whether you think Elon Musk is a good guy or whether you think he's a creep. Etc. I'm going to delve into this a bit. Elon Musk is a front man for Alliance military that's not his real name he's sort of a brand or a

front man. He doesn't own Tesla any more than Jack Dorsey owns Twitter and he sure the f@ck isn't giving 40 billion dollars to the cabal to buy a useless digital bit of space though there could be some consolidation of their stock going on. The fact that you are hearing about
Twitter changing ownership is a good sign and I will tell you why. There is an orbit war going on right now between the alliance and the cabal. You might have heard that the starlink satellites 40 of them were destroyed from solar flares. It wasn't from solar flares they
were being shot down by cabal operatives in Ukraine It is believed it was done by Leonardo Spa which is an Italian military contractor company that was also involved in hacking the elections. That spawned the Italy did it after the election. One of the many reasons the
mainstream media hasn't been taken down is because it is broadcasted through secured satellites. You can't just go arrest people and take down the media because of the cabal control satellites that control the functioning of the media.
The stock market, the banking system large and small, a lot of data based systems even things as commonplace as cash registers in Target or Walmart. The elections were hacked through satellites. They can even replace dead people through CGI in the mainstream media and broadcasted
All of these things are plugged into satellite systems and there is a war going on for control of those. Elon was a double triple and quadruple agent who is working with the alliance but was also working with the cabal and both were allowing him to work.
Some say he was an opportunist some say he was always with the alliance similar to how Donald Trump infiltrated the cabal system as well. But make no mistake he is 100% controlled by the alliance. Whether willingly or because they own him.
Anything you see about him is a carefully construed image that has been built on his behalf. It's not really him tweeting on Twitter. His family is made up him being married to that weird goth pop star Grimes was complete bs made up to make him look cool to younger Generations.
Larger than Life"richest men in the world" are frontmen. George Soros, Warren Buffett, the Rothschilds Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos , Bill Gates , Jack Dorsey. These people are frontman not individuals. They play a role. Bill Gates didn't build Microsoft.
Mark Zuckerberg didn't build Facebook. Jeff Bezos didn't create Amazon. All those things were businesses that were put together by the cabal Illuminati. The highest power Brokers of the cabal are not on display publicly they work behind the scenes.
The alliance is more secretive than the Illuminati cabal because the cabal always leave symbolism and brags about how stupid they think we all are. Donald Trump was born into an alliance family. He's not even actually a Trump he's the son of General George Patton.
Fred Trump was his adoptive father. And a good guy working with the alliance.

The Tesla stock which is the most valuable stock on the market. A lot of that money goes into funding the alliance war against the cabal a lot of the Technologies and Manufacturing for the Alliance
military are coming from this.. The cabal for years and years in a row was trying to short sell and collapse and make the Tesla company fail. They eventually gave up at that and then would actually buy into it to try to manipulate the price and make money off of it.
The Tesla stock which is the most valuable stock on the market. A lot of that money goes into funding the alliance war against the cabal a lot of the Technologies and Manufacturing for the Alliance military are coming from this..
The cabal for years and years in a row was trying to short sell and collapse and make the Tesla company fail. They eventually gave up at that and then would actually buy into it to try to manipulate the price and make money off of it. The stock market is financial warfare
that's what's going on right now in it.
Tesla is owned by the alliance not by Elon Musk.

All note that Tesla is involved in much of the beneficial technology that is coming to us including Medbed holographic healing technology. Neuralink is more smoke and mirrors.
That's probably just to keep investors putting money into it. And keeps people wondering whether Elon Musk is black hat or a white hat.

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(1) Kushner is worth $324 million.
(2) Since 2016, Kushner has connived, with Saudi help, to force the Qataris (literally at a ship's gunpoint) to "loan" him $900 million.
(3) This is consistent with the Steele dossier.
(4) Kushner is unlikely to ever have to pay the "loan" back.

2/ So as you read about his tax practices, you should take from it that it's practices of this sort that ensure that he's able to extort money from foreign governments while Trump is POTUS without ever having to pay the money back. It also explains why he's in the Saudis' pocket.

3/ It's why the Saudis *say* he's in their pocket. It's why emoluments and federal bribery statutes matter. It's why Kushner was talking to the Saudi Crown Prince the day before the murdered Washington Post journalist was taken. It's why the Trump administration now does nothing.
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