đŸ§”The Kansas City Police Department doesn't care about missing black women, Over a month ago one was reported missing, then another, then another. KCPD called the reports “Completely Unfounded.”
Well, last Friday a 22 yr old black woman escaped from this man's house. According

to her, "her friends didn't make it out" Timothy Haslett Jr held them captive in a sadistic sex dungeon.
(This is just a preview of an interview with KC Bishop. The entire video is 7 mins long, click the link and watch it, subscribe to the defender they are giving him a voice.👇)
Even after the gruesome discoveries, KCPD has refused any communication with Bishop, to acknowledge their failures, or to publicly work with the community to search for the other missing women.

Here is the link to the full KC Bishop interview, please check it out it's well worth it.
and here is a local news segment on the case.


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