There’s been a lot of talk about TikTok waking up - especially women - on the gender/sex conversation.

Some of the language is still not ideal, but it’s definitely changing!

So I thought I’d do a wee 🧵 for you all to see what’s happening over there.

More and more trans men are speaking up and asserting their biological reality.
The word cis is being questioned. Many women are saying they don’t want to be called cis, they didn’t agree to it and it’s being imposed on them.
The issue of men buying tampons and making mocking videos has really got on womens nerves.
Men are getting annoyed with it all too.
Families being targeted for abuse because they’ve decided not to teach their children about gender identity are not shutting up.
More views from men..
Young people seem to be getting a bit sick of it all.
People are reaching a point where they’re tired of having to tiptoe around others.
Womens language being taken is really starting to get peoples backs up.
I’ll add more here as I come across them. Just thought it’d be useful to share what TikTok is looking like at the minute!
Trans women are also calling it out.
It sounds like misogyny…
Just a wee song to break it up a bit 😀
I’ll add a caveat here that I’m sharing these TikTok’s not because I follow or agree with what these creators say in other areas. I don’t know them. Im just showing the conversations taking place to give those without the app an idea of what’s going on.
That’s enough. Scottish people aren’t holding back anymore.

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