I learned python by spending $0 on Online

Here are 5 Free Courses that will teach you python better than the paid ones

A thread 🧡 πŸ‘‡

1 - CS50: Introduction to Computer Science

This is one of the best python courses available online and if you're looking for web development,this might be the one

2 - Crash Course on Python

This course is part of the Google IT Automation with Python Professional Certificate and every beginner can try it

3 - Kaggle Python Course

If you are a newbie looking to learn Data Science, None other is better than the course from Kaggle itself also, Data viz procedures can be followed up.

4 - Introduction to Python Programming

In this course by the University of Pennsylvania, Students are introduced to core programming concepts like data structures, conditionals, loops, variables, and functions

5 - Python for Everybody Specialization

Learn to Program and Analyze Data with Python. Develop programs to gather, clean, analyze, and visualize data from this amazing course from the University of MICHIGAN

That's a wrap!

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Tools you will regret not knowing as a coder (trust me)🧡 ↓

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