A Must Learn Tool For Everyone🧑‍💻🈯️

Power BI is nothing but advanced version of excel

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1. Power BI is a cloud-based visualization tool from Microsoft

It allows user to create interactive reports and dashboards using simple interface

Eventually it will help user to take better decision in their business.
2. What is BI?

In Simple words,

Collect data from different sources, modify as per requirement and show them in pictorial form.

Collect Data --> Analyze Data -->Visualize Data
3. Power BI categorized into 4 types

Power BI Desktop

Power BI Service

Power BI Mobile

Power BI Server
4. Power BI Desktop: You collect data from different sources and work in power bi desktop


Publish the worked data in power bi service.
5. Main concept to learn is power bi desktop

Power bi desktop categorized into 3 👇

⚡️Power query
⚡️Power pivot
⚡️Power view
6. This is how home page of power bi desktop looks like 👇
7. What is the need of power bi service?

Power bi is cloud platform for sharing the reports with users. Users can also create dashboard using the existing reports in power bi service.
8. Power bi report server?

If you have data which you don’t want to share in cloud and data is highly confidential then organization prefer to use power bi report server which is ON-Prem.
9. Going forward will explain how to start working on power query with simple example.

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How I trade monthly short strangles for regular income

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👉Short strangle means,
Selling OTM call option and Selling OTM put option

Here is a detailed thread on short strangle

👉Generally, this strategy gives good returns when market is sideways but most trader get wrong entries and wrong exist

👉Ahead of major event option price will increase because of uncertainty. We have to take advantage of that

👉As the VIX is the derivative of option price, we have to check this parameter first

When VIX is >20, it is the right opportunity to deploy short strangle

👉If we look at the weekly and monthly candles of nifty, it is easier to identify which strikes to choose

Entry conditions:

👉VIX >20
👉Choose the strikes which are 6% above and below of nifty in next month contracts
👉Combined premium should be in the range of 160-170
👉Next month contracts should be taken at the mid of current month

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